Contact Us

For clinical appointments and patient care:

Clinics in Morgantown are located in the Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute (RNI) and the Physician Office Center (POC), next to Ruby Memorial Hospital. 
Satellite clinics are located in Gilbert and Glenville, WV.

Morgantown Neurology Clinic, Morgantown, WV
One Medical Center Dr., Morgantown, WV 26506 (Physicians Office Center, 5th Floor)

Phone: (304) 598-6127, Fax (304)598-6442 
Toll-Free: (
800) 842-3627

The Brick Clinic, Gilbert, WV
202 Larry Jo Harless Drive

Glenville Neurology Clinic, Glenville, WV
921 Mineral Road, Suite 101
Phone: (855)WVU-CARE

Department of Neurology Administrative Offices:

64 Medical Center Dr., Suite 1310, Health Sciences Center
PO Box 9180
Morgantown, WV  26506-9180

Residency Program:

Amy Schwinabart, Residency Program Manager (
Phone: (304) 293-2342
Fax: (304) 293-3352

Information and ReferralsPhysician inquires are welcome. To speak with a physician, or to refer a patient, please call 1-800-WVA-MARS