About Us
Welcome to the Division of Anatomy at West Virginia University. We have a multifaceted department involved extensively in supporting institutional missions in education, research and service.
The faculty and staff come from diverse training and educational experiences providing a rich intellectual and academic environment in the University. Our faculty conduct cutting edge biomedical research supported by the National Institutes of Health and other extramural agencies and are represented in several of the current Health Sciences Research Centers, which include Cardiovascular, Neuroscience, Cancer, and Respiratory Disease Centers. The research not only contributes to discoveries improving the health of West Virginians and the nation, but supports the training of tomorrow’s scientists through comprehensive graduate programs.
Our courses support the curricular needs of the medical, dental, nursing, pharmacy and health professionals schools, and many of our faculty engage in creating novel and innovative instructional materials to improve student learning and comprehension of Anatomical Disciplines. Our faculty are dedicated to provide services to the institution and the people of West Virginia.
An important function of the department is to support the Microscopic Image Analysis Facility, where researchers from Health Sciences and across WVU use modern and sophisticated microscopes with computer analysis to discover cellular and molecular mechanisms that may help cure diseases such as stroke, asthma, cancer, and diabetes. Several of our faculty also directly engage in special educational programs designed to nurture the success of underserved high school and undergraduate students.
Our department is also the home office for the West Virginia State Anatomical Board and the WVU Human Gift Registry where bequeathed anatomical gifts are received and utilized for educational and research purposes.