BIOC 393 Syllabus

Biochemistry Journal Club (BIOC 393A)

Spring Semester 2020

BIOC 393:

This is a 1 credit course utilizing a journal club format.

Meeting Times:

Wednesdays 8:45 - 9:45 am in Wirtz conference room 3122A Health Sciences Center

Course Coordinator:

Alexey Ivanov, Ph.D.

Faculty Instructors:

Dr. Alexey Ivanov, Research Assistant Professor
Room: Erma Byrd Biomedical Research Center, 218
Phone: 304-293-4936

Dr. Jianhai Du, Assistant Professor
Room: WVU Eye Institute, Ophthalmology E215
Phone: 304-598-6903

Dr. Bradley Webb, Assistant Professor
Room: Health Sciences Center North, 3121-A
Phone: 304-293-6615

Dr. Saravanan Kolandaivelu, Joint Assistant Professor
Room: WVU Eye Institute, Ophthalmology E363, E357
Phone: 304-598-6925

Course Objectives:

The purpose of this course is to provide biochemistry majors an opportunity to read about select topics in the primary literature and learn how to critically evaluate scientific papers under the guidance of faculty instructors, who direct cutting edge research in biochemistry in their laboratories.

Specific Objectives

  • Acquire knowledge on select topics from the primary literature
  • Develop critical reading skills
  • Practice oral communication skills in an informal setting
  • Practice writing skills

Course Format:

Students will be assigned one paper to read per week and be required to write a short synopsis of one aspect of the paper, e.g. methodology or critical experiments to support the conclusions, etc. Specific instructions for each weekly writing assignment will be provided when the reading assignment is made (1 week in advance of the class). The written assignment should be no longer than one page. The assignment is due at the beginning of the class discussion of the paper. See rubric for expectations.

The scientific premise, strengths and weaknesses of the methodology, limitations of the study and validity of the conclusions will be discussed during the weekly meeting. Students will be expected to actively participate in the discussion of the paper during the meeting each week. Adequate preparation is the key to participation. See rubric for expectations.


Student evaluations will be based on the weekly writing assignment (40%) and class participation during weekly discussions (60%). Guidance for evaluation is in the rubrics.

Grading Scale:

A = 90 – 100%
B = 80 – 89%
C = 70 – 79%
D = 60 – 69%

Attendance policy:

Students are expected to attend all journal club sessions. If a student must miss a class, they must communicate with the instructor for that specific class PRIOR to the class to receive an excused absence. Excused absences will be made up with an additional writing assignment about the journal club paper for that week. Unexcused absences cannot be made up and will affect the student’s final grade.


Permission of the coordinator.

Academic Integrity Statement:

The integrity of the classes offered by any academic institution solidifies the foundation of its mission and cannot be sacrificed to expediency, ignorance, or blatant fraud. Therefore, we will enforce rigorous standards of academic integrity in all aspects and assignments of this course. For the detailed policy of West Virginia University regarding the definitions of acts considered to fall under academic dishonesty and possible ensuing sanctions, please see the West Virginia University Academic Catalog at Should you have any questions about possibly improper research citations or references, or any other activity that may be interpreted as an attempt at academic dishonesty, please see any of the course coordinators before the assignment is due to discuss the matter.

Social Justice Statement:

The West Virginia University community is committed to creating and fostering a positive learning and working environment based on open communication, mutual respect, and inclusion. Any suggestions as to how to further such a positive and open environment in this class will be appreciated and given serious consideration.

If you are a person with a disability and anticipate needing any type of accommodation in order to participate in this class, please advise the coordinator and make appropriate arrangements with the Office of Student Accommodations (304-293-6700). For more information on West Virginia University’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives, please see

Rubric Written

Rubric Classroom
