Charleston Happenings - April 13, 2021

For Charleston Happenings on Campus please click the link:

Community Service Opportunities

Community Service Available

The Covenant House Food Pantry on Shrewsbury Street in Charleston needs volunteers to substitute occasionally helping clients select and bag food from 9 am-12 pm Monday through Friday. Please contact Lora at 304-542-1718 if you can help.

The Heart and Hand Thrift Shop in South Charleston need volunteers to sort and process donations, test electronics, or organize books or clothing. If you can contribute 2-3 hours weekly, please contact Jenny or Vicki at 304-342-0029 or go to and complete the online form.


May Graduates: Live Commencement will be Sunday, May 16th at 2:00pm. You must register to participate in the ceremony. Please let us know your plans for participation and hooding here. Check your DegreeWorks to ensure you’re on track for May graduation. Remember you need 100 hours of Community Service logged on SOLE!