Health Sciences classroom restrictions and in-person meetings

Health Sciences classroom restrictions and in-person meetings
During the summer semester, the use of all Health Sciences (HSC) classrooms will be restricted to ONLY essential academic activities that cannot be held online (i.e. gross anatomy lab, simulation lab, etc.) and that are necessary to ensure the progression of our students. This means no in-person student orientation, didactic lectures, testing or meetings. In addition, the two Interprofessional Education classrooms on the ground floor will be reserved for select Graduate Medical Education (GME) activities for the month of June and July. No other classrooms will be assigned for GME activities.

Health Sciences administration will continue to advise against in-person meetings. However, if it is deemed necessary to conduct an in-person meeting, the following guidelines must be observed:
  • Conference rooms must only be utilized at 50% capacity, and participants must physically distance and wear a face covering.
  • Individuals responsible for scheduling the meeting should ensure the appropriate disinfection before and after the meeting. Cleaning supplies can be requested from HSC Facilities or ordered on Marketplace.
  • When possible, it is recommended that necessary in-person meetings be held outside. For your convenience, the HSC ITS and Facilities departments are working to increase outdoor WIFI access and seating.
This guidance is consistent with the University's decision to move to an all on-line format for the summer semester and will allow for a manageable cleaning/disinfection schedule by our reduced housekeeping staff due to furloughs. Additional guidance regarding the fall semester and future use of University facilities will be shared in the coming weeks.

No classrooms will be assigned without approval from Health Sciences administration. All inquires should be made at