Morgantown Happenings - August 27, 2019

Peer-Assisted Learning Service (PALS tutoring program) is looking for new tutors and leaders. We plan on hiring several peer tutors and two PALS co-leaders who will help organize the PALS program. Tutoring sessions will occur approximately two times each week at a designated time and place. Tutors are not expected to be available each and every session. Tutors will be paid $10 an hour. Interested?? Please submit application to student services.

OSHA and HIPAA must be renewed yearly per hospital requirements. You must renew via SOLE by August 31, 2019. Upload your completion certificate to your e-value portfolio – Under Competencies – Systems-based Practice – OSHA & HIPPA.

Farmers Market will be held every Wednesday. This year the market will be moved closer to the HSC North Pylons entrance.

Appointments Offered for Medical students. Confidential, private appointments for initial assessments, triage and brief interventions for students experiencing life stress, mental illness or problems with alcohol or substance use. Email for an appointment or call (304) 293-1111. Appointments will be held in Suite 1256, HSC South. Visit the BWell SOLE site for more information.

MS4 Class of 2020

GTR 2.0 – One on One Meetings with the Dean. Watch your email for your Dean assignment and how to schedule your appointment. Remember to have your paperwork sent prior to your appointment

Residency Application Dates to remember. September 5 – Applications open; September 15 NRMP opens; October 1 - MSPEs are released to residency programs.

Requesting Additional Travel Money for Residency Interview Expenses

Fourth year medical students are permitted to borrow an additional amount in federal student loans for anticipated residency and interview expenses. We currently automatically allot $5,000 in the fall term of the 4th year financial aid cost of attendance for these expenses. If expenses exceed this allotment, students can request an additional increase of up to an additional $5,000 for a total of $10,000. To receive the additional $5,000, the student must provide in excel format the following:

• Location of expected interviews – City, State and Hospital Name
• Expected travel dates
• Travel expenses - limited to airfare, taxi, rental car, lodging and gasoline
• Interview application fee

This can be emailed to

MS3 Class of 2021

OSHA and HIPAA must be renewed yearly per hospital requirements. You must renew via SOLE by August 31, 2019. Upload your completion certificate to your e-value portfolio – Under Competencies – Systems-based Practice – OSHA & HIPPA.

MS2 Class of 2022

Good Luck on your first block exam Friday!

SAVE THE DATE for Professional & Career Development 2.0 will be held Monday, September 9 from 3-6:30 pm. Dinner will be provided.

OSHA and HIPAA must be renewed yearly per hospital requirements. You must renew via SOLE by August 31, 2019. Upload your completion certificate to your e-value portfolio – Under Competencies – Systems-based Practice – OSHA & HIPPA.

MS1 Class of 2023

Good Luck on your first block exam Friday!

All first year student’s SOLE Student Information and Contact Information must be completed no later than September 9th. This includes adding your Morgantown address. Please log into SOLE: Student information system and complete the data fields for your profile. Please contact Sheri if you have any questions.

Your lock number and combination is on your SOLE demographic page. If your demographic page does not have a combination listed, that means that you have one of the new lockers located down the hall from the copy Center. You will need to supply your own lock. If you have any questions, contact Sheri.