Morgantown Happenings - June 16, 2020

Students are reminded that if you are in the HSC building for any reason you are required to wear a mask. Please also remember to practice good hand hygiene and social distancing. COVID has not gone away, and we want to continue to do our part in stopping the spread.

Morgantown Student Services remains available during the campus closure. Email is the best way to reach out to the Deans or any of the staff.

HOUSING FOR INCOMING STUDENTS: If you have an open room and would like to advertise to the incoming Class of 2024, please complete this form. Questions? Chrissi Baker

MS4 Class of 2021

Congratulations on finishing up your 3rd year! We are so proud of your accomplishments, professionalism and poise over the last few months.

MS3 Class of 2022

Congratulations, 2022 and welcome to 3rd year! Best of luck for those waiting to take Step 1!

Boot Camp starts June 29th and will be mainly virtual. You will only come to HSC on Tuesday, June 30th for BLS training at STEPS. We are still working out some details and will provide updates when we receive them!

MS2 Class of 2023

Congratulations, you are on to the next year of med school! You have overcome many challenges in the last few months, and we could not be more proud!

Contact Tracing Course offered. For more information, visit this website.

MENTOR the Incoming class: If you are interested in being a mentor for a student in the incoming class, fill out this form. For questions contact Lindsay.