NIH Grant Writing Workshop

Monday, November 9, 2015

The WVCTSI has invited Dr. Joan Lakoski and Dr. Robert Milner to conduct a workshop for early-stage investigators focusing their funding efforts on NIH K awards and early-stage R-awards (R03, R15, R21).

The afternoon component, focused on writing of specific aims, will be useful for any research proposal, including applications for WVCTSI Pilot funding mechanisms or Foundation grants.

If you have draft specific aims or a more developed proposal, the afternoon will allow for refining and critiques. The workshop will take place on Monday, November 9th.

Register here by October 23, 2015. Space is limited.


Joan M. Lakoski, PhD American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
Robert J. Milner, PhD University of Massachusetts Medical School

GOAL: To provide guidance on applications for NIH research grant awards.
OBJECTIVES: By the completion of these sessions, participants will be able to:

  • Choose the appropriate type of award for their situation.
  • Submit an application using strategies for a successful grant proposal.
  • Write an effective specific aims page.

General Workshop: Steps to a Competitive Application (9:00–11:30 am)

  • Navigating NIH: an overview of NIH and the grant review process
  • Mock Study Section: a demonstration of a study section panel by invited faculty
  • 15 Steps to the Payline: a stepwise guide to preparing a successful application

Lunch Break (11:30 am–12:00 pm)

Writing Effective Specific Aims (12:00–2:00 pm)

  • A stepwise guide to writing the essential components of a specific aims page.

Know Your K (2:00–3:00 pm)

  • A guide to applying for a career development (K) award

Sponsored by the West Virginia Clinical & Translational Science Institute