Quality service award recipient announced at Berkeley Medical Center

Quality service award recipient announced at Berkeley Medical Center

MARTINSBURG, W.Va. – Chelsea Welch, central sterile, was recently named WVU Medicine Berkeley Medical Center’s Quality Service Award winner for August 2018.

WVU Medicine Berkeley Medical Center’s August Quality Service Award winner is pictured receiving her award. Left to right: Director of Surgical Services Steve Folmer, QSA Winner Chelsea Welch, Vice President/Chief Nursing Officer Samantha Richards, and President/CEO Anthony P. Zelenka.
WVU Medicine Berkeley Medical Center’s August Quality Service Award winner is pictured receiving her award. Left to right: Director of Surgical Services Steve Folmer, QSA Winner Chelsea Welch, Vice President/Chief Nursing Officer Samantha Richards, and President/CEO Anthony P. Zelenka. 

Each month, the hospital’s Service Award committee selects a Quality Service Award recipient. Welch was chosen because she came in to work on a Saturday, without being asked, to prepare crash carts for the surgery department.

“I am pleased to have Chelsea on our team and believe she is well deserving of this award,” Steve Folmer, director of surgical services, said.   

Criteria for selection as a Quality Service Award recipient include demonstrating a consistently high level of productivity and quality of work along with a high degree of initiative in performing work responsibilities; displaying exceptional dependability; exhibiting effective relationships with others; displaying a commitment to service and serving the Berkeley Medical Center community; and meeting the criteria for the system’s mission, vision, and values.   

Nomination forms for the Quality Service Award are available at locations throughout the Berkeley Medical Center campus. Anyone who witnesses an employee displaying outstanding service is encouraged to complete and submit a nomination form.