Scholarships pave way for future dentists

Dozens receive financial assistance for dental school

Scholarships pave way for future dentists

Congratulations to the fall 2019 West Virginia University School of Dentistry scholarship recipients. 

In 2002, ten endowed scholarships were awarded to 12 School of Dentistry recipients. This fall the dental school handed out 35 scholarships to 47 students.

Click for a full photo gallery of the scholarship event. 

Dr. Camillo Alberico Scholarship, Megan Popp
Norman and Nathan Baker Scholarship, Bethany King, Elvis Tanyi Arrey
Champe O. Butler Sr. Dental Scholarship, Cassie Liston
Dr. and Mrs. James Caveney and Family Dental Table Clinic Award, Makayla Gresham, Angela Stowers, Daren Wadsworth 
Michael Christensen, Thomas P. Patrick and William Shelton DDS Class of 1976 Scholarship, Ellyn Harper
Dr. Clarence C. and Maxine D. Cottrill General Dentistry Scholarship, Lauren Bakos
Dr. John H. Dempsey Orthodontic Scholarship, Dr. Dustin Osborne
Dr. David G. Edwards Dental Scholarship, Makayla Gresham
Dr. Patrick J. Farace Memorial Scholarship, Sarah Michaels, Andrew Ruble
Class of 1970 - Dr. Phillip F. Farley Memorial Scholarship, Austin Perdue
Frieman/Wilner Dentistry Scholarship, Lawson Hoover
Dr. Mohssen and Karen Ghalichebaf Cleft Lip/Palate Scholarship, James 'J.P.' Thompson
Ghareeb Dental Group Scholarship, Sarah Michaels
James A. Griffin Scholarship, Dr. Daniel 'Cade' Brawley, Dr. Mehran Malakpour
John W. Hatcher Memorial Scholarship for Dentistry, Catherine Rainey Ransom
Sabe Isaac and Rose Mary Howard Memorial Scholarship, Ian Weaver
Simon P. Hullihen Memorial Award, Andrew Ruble
Kanawha Valley Dental Society Scholarship, Ian Weaver
Dr. Carl Lemley and Mary Eugenia Kennedy Family Scholarship, Tyler Myers
*Dr. Jeffrey Scott McCoy Memorial Dental Scholarship, Andrea Ballengee
Dr. Matthew Mathias Scholarship, Andrea Ballengee
Thomas P. Moore Dental Scholarship, Olivia Mason
Othman Family Scholarship, Jacob Pancake
Ralph J. “Buck” Rutledge Dentistry Scholarship, Madison Hull
*Dr. David E. Sheinkopf Scholarship, Kamilla Agababayeva
Dr. Elliot Shulman School of Dentistry Scholarship, Sarah Klenk
Skaff Family Scholarship, Michelle Snodgress
Boyd A. Smoot Memorial Scholarship, Corina Torres
Dr. Frank Stevens Student Scholarship, Brittany Carver, Naby Damarputra, Rachael Marino, Alex Pancake
Dr. John L. and Hazel L. Sutton Scholarship, Keishi Fujii, Elizabeth Strickler, Laura Settles
David C. Swann, DDS Class of 1980 Scholarship, Marcie Kanosky
Dr. Nancy Burton Waitkus Dental Scholarship, Shayla Stear
Geraldine Core Willis Scholarship, Morgan Kesecker
West Virginia Dental Tuition Waiver, Alexa Blatt, Kyla Galbreath Swearingen, Tyler Guthrie, Mays Ibraheem, Christina Klug, David Meadows, Brett Nanners, Hunter Palmer
Dennis “PJ” Zickefoose Memorial Scholarship, Cassie Liston

*Inaugural scholarship, 2019-2020

The West Virginia University School of Dentistry gratefully acknowledges the generosity of donors to dental student scholarship funds. We greatly appreciate your support of dental students by establishing and contributing to scholarship endowments. Recognized also with sincere appreciation are members of the Dental Scholarship Committee for their dedicated service.

According to WVU Foundation, up to 70% of WVU students seek financial support to attend each year, and private scholarships not only make it possible for some students to attend WVU, but they help reduce or, in some cases, eliminate the student loan burden after graduation.

School of Dentistry friends and alumni considering a gift to help future dentists with their educational investment can provide support through several avenues of giving. WVU Foundation assists donors interested in annual giving, planned giving, gifts in kind, corporate giving, stocks and securities, memorial donations, matching gifts and online giving.

For more information on giving, reach out to Karen Coombs, Director of Development, WVU School of Dentistry.