Volunteer Services seeks volunteers for No One Dies Alone Program
The Volunteer Services Department at WVU Hospitals is looking for volunteers to join its No One Dies Alone (NODA) Program.
NODA is a nation-wide program in which volunteers offer companionship to those who are dying. When hospital patients have no one to visit them and are nearing death, volunteers keep vigil at their bedsides by holding their hand, talking to them, or just being present to ensure they won’t be alone during the dying process.
Training sessions have been scheduled for April 14, 21, and 28. Participants must be able to attend all three sessions in order to complete the training.
Those interested in volunteering for the NODA Program should submit an online application: www.wvumedicine.org/volunteers.
Please contact Nancy Beckner, volunteer coordinator, at Ext. 76010 for more information.