BMM 339

BMM 339, Introduction to Human Biochemistry. 4 Hours.

PR: General chemistry (CHEM 116 or CHEM 118), organic chemistry (CHEM 231 or CHEM 233 & CHEM 234). This course emphasizes human biochemistry and closely follows the format and content of biochemistry courses that are required for the MD, DDS, and other professional degree programs in Health Sciences. It provides an introduction to biochemistry for undergraduate pre-professional students, and students in the Molecular Medicine minor, Biochemistry major, Exercise Physiology major, and Immunology and Medical Microbiology major. In Summer this course is offered as an online version.


Course directors: Michael Schaller, Vazhaikkurichi Rajendran

Faculty: Michael Schaller, Vazhaikkurichi Rajendran, Max Sokolov, Steven Frisch


Course director: Max Sokolov

Faculty: Max Sokolov, Michael Schaller, Steven Frisch, Mark Tseytlin


Course director: Michael Gunther

Syllabus BMM 339