Resident Parking Information at JW Ruby Memorial Hospital

WVU GME Parking Information and Resources

There are many available parking options for WVU GME trainees. Our goal is to keep you up to date on all parking related information so that your access to safe and reliable parking is as simple as possible.

WVU Hospitals Parking Map

A comprehensive parking map is attached below for your reference. Reviewing this map will help the forthcoming information make more sense.

NOTE: Employee Parking Lot J-82 is currently CLOSED (effective 2/17/2025) for construction of a new parking garage. Additional employee parking is available at the Innovation Center.

Registering a Vehicle to Park in a WVU Hospitals Parking Lot

A self-managed, virtual permit process is in place. It is imperative that you have an up-to-date parking lot registration of your vehicles in order to facilitate seamless parking in one of our many hospital sponsored lots. Only one registered vehicle per resident can be parked in a WVUH parking lot at any time.

Please visit this link to register your vehicle to follow the 2-step process for vehicle registration:

  1. Register your vehicle
  2. Claim your virtual permit

A complete guide to assist with vehicle registration is included below to walk you through the process, step-by-step.

Vehicle Registration Guide

Please note that all parking areas utilize license plate recognition cameras to monitor for illegally parked vehicles (those that are NOT registered as a WVUH employee or resident). These measures are in place to assure that as many parking spaces as possible are available for you. Thus, the importance of following the above process for registering your vehicle appropriately.

For residents who plan to park mostly at off-campus locations (e.g., University Town Centre, Operations Support Center, Information Technology Center), you should also register your vehicles online IF you plan to ever use parking areas at the Ruby campus.

Available Resident Parking Facilities

There are multiple on campus and off-campus parking sites available to WVU GME trainees.

Below is a list of potential parking options for WVU GME trainees to consider:

  • Resident only dedicated parking---Lot B1
    • Will likely be filled by 7:30am on weekdays.
  • Additional optional parking locations on hospital campus would include:
    • Willowdale Garage
    • Mountaineer 2 Garage 
      • **Mountaineer Station is the paid garage owned and operated by the University. Mountaineer 2 Garage is the hospital owned garage that is completely free of charge but will require use of Galaxy Badge to enter)
    • Lots A1, F1-4, and J-82
    • Lot B4
    • Research Park, with shuttle to Ruby/POC
  • Refer to the WVU parking web app for real time parking availability. The bubbles associated with each parking area seen on the app list the estimated number of vacant parking spaces in that respective lot. This app includes references to all parking locations listed above.
  • Note: As WVU employees, trainees do have an option to purchase parking passes for University parking spaces, based on personal preference and availability of passes for purchase.
  • Special Circumstances: Lot C-10 can be used for short term, true on-call emergencies, when residents are called to campus for a potentially urgent/emergent patient care situation and another parking spot cannot be readily accessed in a timely manner, with the caveat that the parking space should only be utilized during the emergent patient care time frame (time in OR with an emergent case, time spent evaluating a patient in the ED for an emergency consult, etc.), and vehicle should be moved immediately after the emergency evaluation is completed to avoid a potential parking violation/citation. If you are utilizing this lot during daytime hours when the parking attendant is available, please let them know the circumstances behind short term C-10 lot use.

WVUH Parking Shuttle

  • Currently, there are numerous parking shuttles that run every 15-20 minutes, so there should not be a long wait at any shuttle pick-up/drop-off point.
  • Shuttle hours start at 4am Monday and run continuously until 8am on Saturday.
  • Current shuttle pick-up points are at the shuttle loop located between Ruby and the Physician Office Center (POC), WVU Research Park Lot, Lot J82, and Willowdale Garage.
  • Current shuttle drop-off points are all pick-up points PLUS WVU Heart and Vascular Institute.

Shuttle routes To and From are shown below for more detail.

  1. Research Park <--> Ruby (RED)
  2. Willowdale Garage <--> Ruby (ORANGE)
  3. J82 <--> Ruby (LIGHT BLUE)
  4. J82 <--> Operations Support Center (OSC) (BLUE)
  5. Operations Support Center <--> Ruby (GREEN)

Parking For Special Scenarios

During Home Football Games

During home football games, the main WVUH parking lot is not available for use. WVU Medicine has secured Employee / Resident parking in the Mountaineer 2 Parking Garage.

  • All parking areas between the hospital and Milan Puskar Stadium, and along Willowdale Road, will become reserved game parking as of midnight each Friday night before a Saturday home game.
    • Any Thursday home games are subject to different restrictions.
  • If you plan to work beyond midnight – or there is a chance you will have to stay in the hospital past midnight Friday–please park in Mountaineer 2 Parking Garage.
  • Coned spaces with a 5 P.M. deadline will be for those spaces that need to be vacant on Friday by 5 pm. The Teal Lot also called Lot F-3 / F-4, along Willowdale Drive, is closed 12:00 midnight Friday evening.
  • Game-day parking passes for your designated department will be available on your unit or from WVUH Security before game day.
  • Be prepared for Game Day traffic and one-way traffic leaving the stadium during the third quarter. Allow yourself sufficient time to get to work knowing that this may occur. You may want to utilize the access road located between Sheetz and the power station for easier access to lot 80 and/or route 705.
  • See the below Game Day Parking Map with WVUH Staff Parking highlighted in Green and Game Day Entry Routes highlighted in Gold.

When physicians are patients or family/friend of patients

We fully understand that sometimes employees of the hospital are arriving to campus for their own personal healthcare or that related to friends/family members. If this is the case, and you are arriving during parking booth attendant hours, please let them know of the circumstances and they will make note of it. If arriving during non-attended booth hours, park appropriately in patient care spaces ONLY during the time of your scheduled healthcare appointment. You are not permitted to arrive for an 8am PCP appointment, for example, and then proceed to leave your car in the patient lot all day while working in the hospital.

Parking Compliance

WVUH Security will continuously monitor resident parking to ensure compliance with policies. License plate recognition cameras have been installed in each parking area and will alert Security of any unregistered license plates for enforcement purposes. Vehicles found parking in WVUH areas that are not appropriately registered to an active employee or resident will be subject to enforcement, including written warnings and towing at the owner’s expense.

Any instance of a resident sharing their login to the parking management system or listing vehicles that they do not personally use is subject to a revocation of parking privileges, as well as possible corrective action.

Please reach out to the parking email address listed for any questions:

The email address is being monitored by WVUH security leaders on a regular basis. Employees and residents with questions can also stop by the Security Office (Room 4C51, 4th floor of Ruby Memorial) during weekdays, 7 am-3:30 pm, or call 304-598-4444.

Updated 4/24/2024