Medical Knowledge

Residents demonstrate an investigative and analytical thinking approach to clinical situations, including:

  • Development of reasonable and complete differential diagnoses for cytogenetic cases based on the available clinical information, other laboratory results, and current published information.
  • Suggest appropriate additional testing and further clinical testing, if applicable.
  • Formulation in a comprehensive, cohesive, and coherent fashion for the above differential diagnoses and discussion of cytogenetic findings in the final report.

Residents must be able to discuss and apply the basic and clinically supportive sciences which are appropriate to the specialty of cytogenetics testing including:

  • Demonstration of knowledge of genetic and neoplastic diseases during discussion of cases, and use of such knowledge to formulate clinical diagnoses.
  • Demonstration of familiarity with the clinical presentations and manifestations of various diseases during discussion and workup of cases, and use of such knowledge to formulate diagnoses or prognoses.
  • Demonstration of familiarity with basic protocols, including specimen type, culturing techniques for various specimens, harvesting techniques, karyotyping.


  • Rotation evaluation
  • Cytogenetics pathology score for the in-service examination compared to national means
  • Global evaluation