Manual Therapy Course Series

New On-Site, Hands-On Course Series: A Cased Based Program for Orthopedic Assessment and Manual Therapy Interventions

The Manual Therapy Course Series

We are proud to present a continuing education series that incorporates some of the latest advances in the clinical management of the patient with neuromusculoskeletal dysfunction.  This course series is designed to promote the development of clinical decision-making skills and the implementation of manual therapy principles.  Relevant research findings are combined with traditional, fundamental standards to produce a course of study that physical therapists with any level of experience will find stimulating and applicable to their clinical setting. 

This program of post-professional training is centered on the following concepts:

  • Development and fostering clinical decision-making skills utilizing case reports and publications, all illustrating the analysis of cases, by interpreting the subjective examination, and integrating the objective examination findings based on static landmarks, pain/range-of-motion patterns, and manual therapy principles.
  • Differential diagnosis by stages, in a sequential series of integrated course segments designed to provide multiple opportunities to learn, review and master selected manual therapy assessment and treatment techniques.
  • Multiple exposures to real-life clinical presentations and associated treatment approaches to address mechanical dysfunction of the neuromusculoskeletal system.
  • An emphasis on hands-on learning experiences, which will include multiple opportunities to learn and review manual therapy assessment and treatment techniques.

This program is designed as (5) part course series distributed over the course of an 8-month interval.  All instructional segments are integrated around several common principles.  Ample laboratory time is built into each segment, to allow for the mastery of hands-on-skills.  Supplemental study material is provided to improve the retention of learning objectives between the scheduled course segments.

Course Instructor

Michael Timko PT, MS, FAAOMPT is currently a full-time clinician for the Physical Therapy Institute in Washington, PA.  He has held faculty appointments in the Department of Physical Therapy at the University of Pittsburgh, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, the Division of Physical Therapy at West Virginia University, and the Division of Physical Therapy at Medical University of South Carolina.  He received his B.S. degree in Physical Therapy from West Virginia University.  This former Mountaineer quarterback completed post-professional studies at the University of Pittsburgh, including residency training in Orthopedic Manual Therapy, and earned a post-professional Masters degree in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences with a concentration in Orthopedic Physical Therapy.  He has lectured extensively at the local, national and international levels on a variety of topics pertaining to neuromuscular rehabilitation.  He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists. 

Course Dates

Courses can be taken separately or as a series.

  • November 2-3, 2024 (Clinical Decision Making for the Lower Body Region - completed)
  • January 25-26, 2025 (Considerations for the Management of Low Back Pain - completed)
  • March 1-2, 2025 (Clinical Decision Making for the Upper Body Region - click here for more information or to register)
  • May 3-4, 2025 (Considerations for the Management of Neck Pain)
  • June 7-8, 2025 (Concepts in Spinal Stabilization and Manual Therapy Utilization)


Physical therapists from entry-level to experienced practice with interest in learning a systematic approach to the assessment, diagnosis, and management of patients with neuromusculoskeletal dysfunction utilizing manual therapy skills are encouraged to register.


All courses will be taught in our Physical Therapy teaching facilities on the 8th floor of Health Sciences South, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV. 

Contact Information

For more information, contact Anne Swisher PT, PhD, FAPTA; Director of Post-Professional Initiatives at