Clinical Experience
The vascular surgery fellow will perform approximately 800 cases during the two-year span of the program. Fellows rotate on a single vascular service and alternate every three months between the outpatient/endovascular and open interventions/inpatient rotations. The program director will monitor case load monthly to assure that all fellows benefit from the broadest experience. The fellow will be expected to spend half a day in clinic and half a day dedicated to reading and interpretation of non-invasive vascular lab studies.
Surgical experience will include the following:
- Open Aortic procedures
- Aorto bi-femoral bypass
- Juxta-renal aneurysms
- Management of infected aortic graft
- Fenestrated Endovascular Aneurysms Repairs
- Endovascular Aneurysm Repairs
- Open and percutaneous mesenteric interventions
- Stent supported carotid angioplasties
- Carotid endarterectomies
- Spine exposure (thoracic and abdominal)
- Percutaneous infra-inguinal interventions
- Lower extremity bypasses
- Vascular access procedure for chronic renal failures
- Thoracic outlet decompression
- Adult and pediatric vascular trauma