January 30th 2018 - 18-05
SoM Community News and Happenings
GOLD HUMANISM WEEK will be Feb 12-16. The lectures/panels will be from noon until 1 PM. Lunch will be provided for the first 50 people who arrive. See attached flyer for details of the events for each day.
COMMUNITY SERVICE hours available - Looking for 4-5 volunteers to teach First Aid to Boy and Girl Scouts at the Merit Badge University held on February 24th at the Rec Center. Please contact Kim Helmick in Student Services if interested.
CLASS OF 2018 Match Day: March 16, 2018 - Lakeview @ 10 am
CLASS OF 2020 White Coat: March 17, 2018 – Metropolitan Theatre; Reception at Alumni Center
STUDENT AWARDS CONVOCATION: May 10, 2018 - Fukushima Auditorium @ 5 pm
CLASS OF 2018 GRADUATION: May 11, 2018 @ 6 pm– Creative Arts Center
What’s Happening – Morgantown
DR FOLEY APPOINTMENTS Spring semester schedule for Dr. Foley appointments have been added to SOLE.
This link contains the details of the Organization activities, listed here by date.
WILDERNESS IG Jan. 31 @ 12pm; G14
SAIDOH Jan 31 @12pm; G119A
SGH Jan 31 @5:30pm; G17
CTSIG Feb 1 @12pm; 2094
IMIG Feb 1@12pm; G252F
PATH IG Feb 2@12pm; 2165
MS4 Class of 2018
REGALIA AND HOODING forms due February 9th. Complete the online form through the MD Commencement Information page.
GRADUATION APPLICATION due March 2nd. Find the link for applying to May Commencement with the University through MD Commencement Information page.
FINANCIAL AID SEMINAR: Save the Date! Preparing Financially for Residency presented by the Financial Aid office and sponsored by Student Services will be held Monday, March 5 from 9-12:30 in Okey Patteson. Individual appointments will be available the first week in March. Watch your email for more details soon.
GRADUATION is Friday, May 11 at 6:00 pm in the Creative Arts Center. Visit the MD Commencement Information page for details, deadlines and more.
MS3 Class of 2019
SUMMER REGISTRATION Ensure you registered for summer courses last evening. You should have registered for CPX and Block 6. Contact Kim or Amy if you had any issues.
MS2 Class of 2020
SUMMER REGISTRATION needs to be completed by February 15th. Check your email for the CRN’s needed for the Summer Courses. These will include Step 1 and your Block 1 Clerkship. Contact Kim or Amy with questions.
FAMILY MEDICINE RURAL rotation request forms are due February 16. Check your email for details and a link to complete your requests. Send questions to Heather Hanks, Program Coordinator.
STEP 1 Applications are due to the Student Services Office by March 15
ELECTIVE FORM REQUESTS are due March 15. You can find the information and forms about M3 Electives on the handbook.
MS1 Class of 2021
SUMMER REGISTRATION needs to be completed by March 15th. Check your email for the CRN’s needed for the Summer Courses. Contact Kim or Amy with questions.
What’s Happening – Charleston
HARM REDUCTION CLINIC: Wednesdays, 10-3:30. Kanawha Charleston Health Dept. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1POrU5dCdrwCu7AqtV82EBUSqh3P2u0DTEOvVC5CdEdQ/edit#gid=0.
MS4 Class of 2018
GRADUATION is Friday, May 11 at 6:00 pm in the Creative Arts Center. Visit the MD Commencement Information page for details, deadlines and more.
REGALIA AND HOODING forms due February 9th. Complete the online form through the MD Commencement Information page.
GRADUATION APPLICATION due March 2nd. Find the link for applying to May Commencement with the University through (you guessed it) MD Commencement Information page.
MS3 Class of 2019
What’s Happening – Eastern
SPRING RESEARCH Symposium Poster Deadline – Abstracts due by Feb. 12th. Additional information regarding online submissions will be posted soon. Contact Jane Horst with any questions.
Tumor Board - Every Thursday, 8th Floor Classroom, 12:00-1:00pm. Feb. 1st: “DCIS” presented by Dr. Eric Bonnem (Hem/Onc) and Dr. Tiffany Harper (Pathology) Lunch provided.
PEDS Grand Rounds is broadcast from Morgantown every Wednesday 8-9 am. The first Wednesday is at the board room on the 8th floor of BMC. Remaining sessions held at the ED conference room in ED of BMC. If you are on a Pediatrics Week, please plan to attend.
COMMUNITY MINI-MED SCHOOL– Tues., Feb. 20th, in Eastern HSC Auditorium. Lectures: TBA
GRAND ROUNDS – Mon., Feb. 19th, 12-1pm, in BMC 8th Floor Classroom and via VIDYO in JMC Classroom A. Topic: TBA
EPMS – None in February. Next meeting: Wed., Mar. 14th, at Holiday Inn-Martinsburg. Topic TBA. Dinner provided following lecture. RSVP: Carol Joseph, 304-671-3837.
MEDICAL M & M – Thur., Feb. 15th, 7:30am, in BMC 8th Floor Classroom and via VIDYO in JMC 1st Floor Conference Room. Topic: TBA
Evidence-Based Medicine Review - Wed. Mar. 28th, 12-1pm, in BMC 8th Floor Classroom and via VIDYO in JMC Classroom A. Topic/Speakers TBA
OB Journal Club – Mon., Feb. 19th, and Mon. Apr. 16th, 7:30am, in BMC 8th Floor Classroom. Topics/speakers TBA.
OB M & M Conference - Thur., Feb. 15th, 5:30pm, in Eastern HSC Mountaineer Room. Topics/speakers TBA. Dinner provided.
SURGICAL M & M – Fri., Feb. 9th, 7:30am, in BMC 8th Floor Classroom. Student presenters: Ayita Verna and Laura Bradel. Topic TBA.
Volunteer/Community Service Opportunities
VOLUNTEER SPEAKING OPPORTUNITY Prostate Cancer Support Group is looking for students to speak on various prostate cancer topics for 15-20 minutes, with a potential Q&A session. Meetings held 6:30-8:30pm on second Thursday of each month, 2nd floor of Dorothy McCormack Building. Contact Dr. Paul Kradel, 304-267-2520, if interested.
JUDGES NEEDED Berkeley County Schools Science Fair: Sat., Feb. 3rd, 9am-12pm, at Martinsburg High School. Volunteers will assist with judging county science fair projects. Continental breakfast: 8:30am. Lunch: 11:00am. To volunteer or for additional information, contact Joyce Hobbs: jhobbs@k12.wv.us or 304-702-3703.
STEPPING STONES/GOOD SMARITAN FREE CLINIC Volunteers needed every Wednesday at 5pm and first Tuesday of each month at 5pm. New location: 601 S. Raleigh Street, Martinsburg. Women’s health and pediatrics to be added soon on an alternate evening. To volunteer or for additional information: MS3 Ayita Verna.
MS4 Class of 2018
MATCH DAY – Mar. 16th, 2018, at Purple Iris. Mark your calendars. Additional details TBA.
GRADUATION is Friday, May 11 at 6:00 pm in the Creative Arts Center. Visit the MD Commencement Information page for details, deadlines and more.
REGALIA AND HOODING forms due February 9th. Complete the online form through the MD Commencement Information page.
MS3 Class of 2019
DRAFT 4th Year Schedules – Please turn in your draft 4th year schedules to Jane Horst by Tues., Jan. 30th.
SUMMER REGISTRATION – Information to register for Summer semester will be sent via email this week. Deadline to register is Thurs., Feb. 15th. Please direct questions to Jane Horst
Jefferson Medical Center- Attending Physicians:
Jan. 29-31: Dr. Cherry