
The American Medical Association Medical Student Section (AMA-MSS) is dedicated to representing medical students, improving medical education, developing leadership, and promoting activism for the health of America.

The AMA-MSS strives to be the medical students’ leading voice for improving medical education, advancing health care and advocating for the future of medicine.

Founded in 1847, the American Medical Association (AMA) is the largest and only national association that convenes 190+ state and specialty medical societies and other critical stakeholders. Throughout history, the AMA has always followed its mission: to promote the art and science of medicine and the betterment of public health.

The AMA-MSS provides quarterly presentations of study tips that coincide with the changing in academic courses. The AMA-MSS also provides community service opportunities to give back to the community that we represent.

For more information contact:  




Alexis Chandler
Tyler Drummond
Vice President
Cody Dunham
Dr. Joseph Selby
Faculty Advisor


Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be the American Medical Association-Medical Student Section (AMA-MSS) of West Virginia University.

Article II: Core Purpose
The American Medical Association Medical Student Section (AMA-MSS) is dedicated to representing medical students, improving medical education, developing leadership, and promoting activism for the health of America.

Article III. Envisioned Future
The AMA-MSS strives to be the medical students’ leading voice for improving medical education, advancing health care and advocating for the future of medicine.

Article IV. Objectives
With projects, programs, and activities, the AMA-MSS will pursue being:

The leading medical student organization for advancing issues of public wellness, community service, ethics, and health policy.
The principle source for obtaining and disseminating information for medical students regarding medical education, residency training, and medical practice;
the most representative voice and influential advocate for medical students and their patients;
A dynamic organization that provides value to its medical student members.
Article V. Core Values
Advocacy: Caring advocates for our patients, our profession, and our medical student members.
Leadership: The stewards of the future of medicine.
Excellence: Commitment to provide the highest quality service, products, and information for our members.
Integrity: Ethical Behavior forms the basis for trust in all our relationships and actions.
Article VI. Membership
A. Eligibility

The AMA-MSS of West Virginia University shall be composed of American
Medical Association (AMA) and/or West Virginia State Medical Association (WVSMA) members of West Virginia University. Any medical student
enrolled in the accredited school of medicine may seek membership in the
AMA-MSS of West Virginia University, attend meetings of the AMA-MSS
of West Virginia University, and speak to issues before the AMA-MSS of
West Virginia University. Only members of the AMA-MSS of West Virginia
University have the right to vote on matters before the society, be able to
hold office in the AMA-MSS of West Virginia University, and be eligible for
appointment as student advisors to councils, committees, and/or boards of
the County Medical Society (CMS), WVSMA, or AMA. Any and all
members who represent the AMA-MSS of West Virginia University at the
national level shall be required to be members of the AMA prior to
attending any national convention.

This organization will not deny membership on the basis of race, sex, age,
disability, veteran status, religion, sexual orientation, color, or national origin.

B. Recruitment

AMA membership shall be encouraged. Literature concerning the benefits
of student membership in the AMA distributed to the AMA-MSS of West
Virginia University shall be utilized to assist the chapter in the recruitment
of new AMA members.

Article VII. Governing Board
A. Membership

The Governing Board shall be composed of a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, a Delegate to the AMA-MSS, an Alternate Delegate to the AMA-MSS, a Secretary/Treasurer, and a Membership Chair, elected on an annual basis.

B. Election

a. Election of officers shall take place at the last scheduled business meeting of the AMA-MSS of West Virginia University for that academic year, but shall in no circumstance occur later than July 1st.

b. Election shall be by individual office in the order presented in Section A

i. Nominations for each office will be accepted from the floor and
shall not be closed until immediately prior to casting ballots for that office. Only members of the AMA-MSS of West Virginia University can run for and hold office.
ii. A majority of those members present casting ballots shall be required for election. A secret ballot shall be taken. Abstentions shall not be counted as a cast ballot.
iii. In the event that no candidate achieves a majority of the votes cast, a secondary election will be held between the top two vote-receiving candidates. If a tie exists for the second vote-receiving position, all candidates who are tied shall remain in the election.
iv. If no one receives a majority in the secondary election, the decision shall be made by the members of the current Governing Board, including its ex-officio members and excluding any member who was or is a candidate for that office.

c. Elected officers shall take office immediately following the election.

C. Duties
a. The Chairperson shall:

i. Preside over all business meetings of the AMA-MSS of West Virginia University and the Governing Board;
ii. Be responsible for executing the directives of the Governing Board or the AMA-MSS of West Virginia University;
iii. Represent the AMA-MSS of West Virginia University at all inter-organization and intra-school affairs;
iv. Coordinate and facilitate communication with the AMA-MSS chapters at other schools within the state (if any), the WVSMA, and organizations and administrations with in the school;
v. Call meetings of the AMA-MSS of West Virginia University and the Governing Board as provided for in Article VIII; and
vi. Perform or delegate any other reasonable duties necessary for the carrying out of business of the AMA-MSS of West Virginia University.

b. The Vice Chairperson shall:
i. Preside over all business meetings of the AMA-MSS of West Virginia University and the Governing Board in the absence of the Chairperson;
ii. Attend meetings or functions which the Chairperson is to attend in the absence of the Chairperson;
iii. Assist the Chairperson in the performance of his or her duties;
iv. Coordinate committees of the local chapter; and
v. Serve as parliamentarian at meetings of the AMA-MSS of West Virginia University and the Governing Board.

c. The Delegate to the AMA-MSS shall:
i. Represent the AMA-MSS of West Virginia University to the AMA-MSS
Assembly at the Annual and Interim Meetings held during the term of
office, and be responsible for introducing any resolutions authored and/or sponsored by the AMA-MSS of West Virginia University;
ii. Keep abreast of any state or national legislative initiatives that may be important to medical students, and coordinate any response deemed appropriate by the Governing Board;
iii. Solicit opinions of the AMA-MSS of West Virginia University
Membership and Governing Board on the proposed AMA-MSS reports and resolutions;
iv. Present AMA-MSS activities at AMA-MSS of West Virginia University meetings and Governing Board meetings; and
v. Prepare a report to be distributed to the local chapter on the proceedings of the AMA-MSS after the Interim and Annual AMA-MSS Meetings.

d. The Alternate Delegate to the AMA-MSS shall:
i. Represent the AMA-MSS of West Virginia University to the AMA-MSS
Assembly at the Annual and Interim Meetings, and be responsible for introducing any resolutions authored and/or sponsored by the AMA-MSS of West Virginia University in the absence of or under the direction of the Delegate; and
ii. Assist the Delegate, as necessary, in carrying out his or her responsibilities.

e. The Secretary/Treasurer shall:
i. Keep all financial records;
ii. Be responsible for the development of an annual budget;
iii. Be responsible for the disbursement of AMA-MSS of West Virginia University funds; and
iv. Record and distribute minutes of all Governing Board and AMA-MSS of West Virginia University meetings.

f. The Membership Chair
i. Be responsible for recruitment of incoming classes for AMA-MSS of West Virginia University;
ii. Keep all membership records and work with State and AMA divisions of membership; and
iii. Informing and assisting members in obtaining benefits and/or opportunities available through AMA membership.

g. The Governing Board shall jointly:
i. Coordinate the activities of the AMA-MSS of West Virginia University;
ii. Create and make appointments to AMA-MSS of West Virginia University Ad-hoc committees (as needed);
iii. Make appointments to AMA-MSS of West Virginia University Standing committees;
iv. Conduct at least three (3) meetings a year;
v. Produce a yearly report for the AMA Department of Medical Student Services including information on elections and chapter activities; and
vi. Coordinate the recruitment of AMA members.

h. Recall of Governing Board Members
i. If a person is deemed derelict in his or her duties, a recall election for any elected Governing Board member shall be called upon petition of one-fifth of the membership of the local chapter or upon a two-thirds majority other membership of the Governing Board, including its ex-officio members.

ii. A recall vote shall require a two-thirds majority of those members casting ballots in the recall election in order to remove the elected Governing Board member from office.

i. Vacancies
i. Vacancies in an elected Governing Board position shall be filled as soon as possible;
ii. A vacancy in the position of Delegate to the AMA-MSS shall be filled by the Alternate Delegate to the AMA-MSS, and the position of Alternate Delegate shall become vacant;
iii. A vacancy in the position of Chairperson or Alternate Delegate shall be filled in the same manner as described in Article VII section B;
iv. The person elected to fill a vacancy shall take office immediately upon election.

Article VIII. Chapter Meetings of the AMA-MSS
A. Time
The AMA-MSS of West Virginia University shall hold a business meeting at twice annually. The Governing Board shall be empowered to call additional meeting of the AMA-MSS of West Virginia University.

B. Purpose
At its meetings, the MSS shall:

Address internal resolutions;
address resolutions to be submitted to the WVSMA HOD or the AMA-MSS Assembly;
Receive reports from each of the officer on the Governing Board;
Elect officers of the Governing Board; and
Conduct any other business.
C. Meeting Notice

The membership shall be notified at least fourteen (14) days prior to all called
meetings. Notice shall be given to all members detailing the time, place,
credentialing process, resolution program, election procedures, and educational
programs for the meeting.

D. Rules of Order

For those matters not covered by these Bylaws or the Internal Operating Procedures of the AMA-MSS, Davis’ Rules of Order shall be the guide for the conduct of business.

Article IX. Committees
Committees deemed necessary must be enacted by the membership and shall be appointed by the Governing Board after soliciting letters of interest from the membership. Committees shall submit an annual report to the membership and maintain regular contact with a Governing Board liaison.

Article X. Amendments
These bylaws may be amended by the chapter membership at any of its meetings provided the amendment shall have been proposed and publicized to the entire membership not less than thirty days prior to the meeting. The amendment requires a two-thirds majority vote of those members in attendance to pass.

Article XI. Policy
The AMA-MSS Internal Operating Procedures and Digest of Actions shall guide policy.