
The purpose of the dermatology interest group is to provide students with a way to interact, exchange information, and learn more about the field of dermatology. This group will serve as a communication forum between students, residents and program directors. The goals of the group are to: assist students in learning about topics pertinent to a career in dermatology; to provide a network for collaboration on research and other research related projects; to perform community service activities locally to enhance public knowledge of dermatology; and to provide a support group for students considering a career in dermatology.


Sabrina Duran
Iraj hasan
Vice President
Ireland Wayt
Wade Powers
Dr. Zachary Zinn
Faculty Advisor


Article I – Name

The name of this organization shall be the Dermatology Interest Group (DIG).

Article II – Purpose/Description

The purpose of the dermatology interest group is to provide students with a way to interact, exchange information, and learn more about the field of dermatology. This group will serve as a communication forum between students, residents and program directors. The goals of the group are to: assist students in learning about topics pertinent to a career in dermatology; to provide a network for collaboration on research and other research related projects; to perform community service activities locally to enhance public knowledge of dermatology; and to provide a support group for students considering a career in dermatology.

Article III – Compliance Clause

We agree to abide by all West Virginia University, School of Medicine as well as all West Virginia University policies, in addition to all federal, state, and local laws. We agree to communicate all required information to the West Virginia University Department of Student Services as requested.

Article IV – Non-Discrimination

We shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.

Article V – Membership

Membership in the Dermatology Interest Group shall be open to any currently enrolled student at all 3 campuses of West Virginia University School of Medicine.

Article VI – Election of Officers

A. The following officers shall be elected: One President, One Vice President, One Secretary, One Treasurer

B. Officers will be elected at the annual election of officers (Date to be determined by the executive board). Founding President shall elect the first group of Executive Board officers. For every future class of officers, election will be by simple majority vote at a designated election meeting.

Article VII – Executive Board

A. All elected officers shall serve on the Executive Board.

B. Members of the Executive Board can create and remove officer positions as the need arises.

The duties of each officer shall be:
The President shall preside at meetings; be the spokesperson for the Dermatology Interest Group both within and outside the university community; and serve as chairman of the Executive Committee.
The Vice President shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee; serve as acting President if the President is unavailable temporarily at meetings or events, or in the event of the resignation or removal of the President
The Treasurer shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee and handle all monetary matters relating to the Dermatology Interest Group. The treasurer will determine the financial monetary allocation that can be donated to individual meetings and events and will determine the need for monetary dues from group members (not to exceed $10.00 per year). All financial expenditures will be recorded by the treasurer and reported to the WVU Department of Student Services. The Treasurer will serve as acting President if the residing President and Vice President are unavailable/resigned from the position. If both the President and the Vice President have resigned/been removed from office, it will be the job of the Treasurer to hold immediate officer meeting. If the Treasurer is not elected to either of these spots, he/she shall continue to serve as Treasurer until the expiration of his/her regular term. If he/she is elected to serve either as President or Vice President, then a special election shall be held to elect a Treasurer to fill the unexpired term for the Treasurer.
The Secretary shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee; prepare meeting agendas; keep minutes of the Dermatology Interest Group meetings; and be responsible for DIG correspondence between members. In the event of the resignation or removal of the President, Vice President, and Treasurer, the Secretary will serve as acting President and will hold immediate officer elections. If the Secretary is not elected to either of these spots, he/she shall continue to serve as Secretary until the expiration of his/her regular term. If he/she is elected to serve either as President or Vice President, then a special election shall be held to elect a Secretary to fill the unexpired term for the Secretary.
Other officer positions and chairperson positions will be created or taken away at the discretion of the Executive Board, pending need.

A. Any member may make a motion for the removal of any officer providing that evidence is presented to support the removal. Grounds for removal include the inadequate fulfillment of duties or the violation of regulations described in University policies, or any federal, state, or local laws.

A majority vote from student members is required to remove an officer.
The motion for removal must be submitted to and approved by the Faculty Advisors before becoming effective.
An election for a new officer should be conducted at the next scheduled business meeting.

Article IX – Advisor

The Advisor will be subject to the Faculty Advisor Guidelines set forth by the WVU Medical Student Organization Department of Student Services.
Article X - Meetings

We will attempt to host, approximately 1 meeting per month, with a minimum of 4 meetings per year.
We will organize a table at the WVU Student Organization fair to gain interest in the organization.
We will offer/organize at least 1 service/development opportunity (e.g. Student Outreach Clinic Day, clinical skills day) for our members.

Article XI – Amendments to the Constitution

Any member of the organization may present amendments to the Constitution at any regularly scheduled meeting. After reading the current Constitution along with the proposed change, the change will be voted on. A majority vote from student members is required to amend the Constitution.
Amendments to the Constitution must be submitted to and approved by the Faculty Advisors and the WVU SOM Department of Student Services before they become effective.