
To disseminate information about the field of emergency medicine.
To foster interest and enthusiasm within the EMIG
To assist medical students who wish to apply to an emergency medicine residency.
To hold monthly educational meetings which may consist of lectures or hands-on workshops that teach skills such as airway management, suturing, splinting and EKG interpretation.
To educate medical students about elective rotations available in emergency medicine.


For more information contact: 


Marissa Della-Giustina
Brian Adlard
Vice President
Audrey Louden
Bryan Ho
Drs. Anthony Steratore & Brian Dilcher
Faculty Advisors


Article 1: Organization Name
Emergency Medicine Interest Group (EMIG)

Article 2: Mission
To disseminate information about the field of emergency medicine.
To foster interest and enthusiasm within the EMIG
To assist medical students who wish to apply to an emergency medicine residency.
To hold monthly educational meetings which may consist of lectures or hands-on workshops that teach skills such as airway management, suturing, splinting and EKG interpretation.
To educate medical students about elective rotations available in emergency medicine.
Article 3: Membership and Eligibility Criteria
Membership is open to any WVUSoM student, resident, staff member or physician within the WVU Healthcare. Members are self-selected based on interest in the organization.
Article 4: Structure and Leadership
The EMIG leadership is made up of four key positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. These positions are staffed by student volunteers who are then elected by the preceding EMIG council.
Office positions are effective for roughly one year as determined by the organization’s annual calendar.
EMIG fosters team work and cooperation, and even though each position may have specific obligations the entire leadership is responsible for the successful operation of the interest group.
General members make up the rest of the organization, and they are made up of any WVUSoM student, resident, or staff member who is interested in Emergency Medicine.

Position is elected by outgoing EMIG council
Duties and responsibilities:
Organizing all EMIG meetings and events
Maintaining the organization throughout each academic year
Appointing or establishing elections for officers annually or sooner if needed
Acting as chair of EMIG meetings; both general membership and leadership
Vice President
Position is elected by outgoing EMIG council
Duties and responsibilities
Assisting the President with all of their duties and acting as deputy in their absence
Position is elected by outgoing EMIG council
Duties and responsibilities
Recording minutes of each general membership meeting and/or event
Maintaining general records and/or information media of EMIG
Position is elected by outgoing EMIG council
Duties and responsibilities
Oversee the operation of all funds generated by or given to EMIG
Paying all debts incurred by EMIG and ensuring adequate reimbursement when necessary
Article 5: Amendment Procedures

Amendments to these bylaws may be submitted in writing by any member of EMIG. To be amended, a majority vote by the leadership of EMIG must take place and be recorded. If accepted, the amendment will become effective immediately, and all copies of these bylaws updated.