Family Medicine Interest Group
Family Medicine Interest Group is a student-driven and student-led group that provides supplementary and complementary experience in Family Medicine that enhances personal, clinical, and leadership growth.
Programming activities include noontime meetings focusing on specific interests of FMIG along with evening/weekend events such as Suturing Workshops and volunteering opportunities.
Beginning in May 2005, FMIG embarked on a community outreach program to the unsheltered homeless in the greater Morgantown community. Modeled after the "Operation Safety Net" program in Pittsburgh, the program is affectionately known as MUSHROOM - Multidisciplinary Un-Sheltered Homeless Relief Outreach of Morgantown. This program brings together medical, social work and other health professional volunteers on "street rounds". We go by foot to those places where we are needed most: along the rivers and creeks, down the back alleys of downtown, and under the bridges. Our goal is to reach out to those most marginalized from society. We help provide them with the basics of care including food, water, clothing, and basic medical intervention. More importantly, we offer a gentle hand, a warm smile, and a witness to their dignity as fellow human beings.
We recommend that you spend time visiting the Virtual FMIG provided by the American Academy of Family Physicians. This provides students with information that is relevant at each point in their medical education from admission to graduation.
Now that we have your interest, challenge yourself by volunteering! This is a great way of connecting "up close and personal" with the reason you entered the profession of Medicine. We dare you to try it once. You will be changed forever. We guarantee it!
For more information contact:
- Emma Miller
- President
- Ireland Wayt
- Vice-President
- Carrie Dean
- Treasurer
- Drs. Jason Oreskovich and Kendra Unger
- Faculty Advisors
Constitution of the
The Family Medicine Interest Group (FMIG) of West Virginia University School of Medicine
Article I. Name
The name of this organization shall be the Family Medicine Interest Group of West Virginia University School of Medicine.
Article II. Purpose
The Family Medicine Interest Group (FMIG) is a student-driven and student-led group that provides supplementary and complementary experience in Family Medicine that enhances personal, clinical, and leadership growth.
Article III. Envisioned Future
The Family Medicine Interest Group strives to instill medical students with leadership, advocacy, and clinical skills while incorporating service to community. Current and future projects include: MUSHROOM - Multidisciplinary UnSheltered Homeless Relief Outreach of Morgantown and the Blacksville Community Health Fair.
Article IV. Objectives
With projects, programs, and activities, the FMIG will pursue being:
- A proponent of Family Medicine and quality care for all
- A teaching organization, where leadership, advocacy, and clinical skills can be pursued outside the classroom
- A dynamic organization that provides community service to Morgantown and surrounding areas
- A source for connection between medical students, faculty, residents, and community
Article V. Membership
Section 1. The FMIG of West Virginia University School of Medicine shall be composed of WVU medical students. Any medical student enrolled in the accredited school of medicine may seek membership in the FMIG of West Virginia University, attend meetings of the FMIG of West Virginia University, and speak to issues before the FMIG of West Virginia University. Only members of the FMIG of West Virginia University have the right to vote on matters before the society, be able
to hold office in the FMIG of West Virginia University, and be eligible for appointment as student advisors to councils, committees, and/or
boards of the FMIG.
Section 2. The voting membership of this organization shall be limited to WVU medical student members of the FMIG.
Section 3. The organization will not deny membership on the basis of race, sex, age, disability, veteran status, religion, sexual orientation, color, or
national origin.
Article VI. Officers
Section 1. The offices of this organization shall be:
a. Chairperson
b. Associate Chairperson
c. Events Coordinator
d. Publicity/Information Chair
e. Secretary
f. Treasurer
g. Two Representatives from the first year medical student class
h. Any Committee chairs can be appointed by the above officers as
Section 2. The duties of the offices shall be as follows:
a. The Chairperson shall:
i. Preside over all business meetings of the FMIG of West Virginia University and the Governing Board;
ii. Be responsible for executing the directives of the Governing Board or the FMIG of West Virginia University;
iii. Represent the FMIG of West Virginia University at all interorganization and intra-school affairs;
iv. Coordinate and facilitate communication with the FMIG chaptersat other schools within the state (if any), the regional and national affiliates (American Academy of Family Physicians – AAFP), and organizations and administrations with in the school;
v. Call meetings of the FMIG of West Virginia University and the Governing Board as provided for in Article VIII; and
vi. Perform or delegate any other reasonable duties necessary for the carrying out of business of the FMIG of West Virginia University.
b. The Associate Chairperson shall:
i. Preside over all business meetings of the FMIG of West Virginia University and the Governing Board in the absence of the Chairperson;
ii. Attend meetings or functions which the Chairperson is to attend in the absence of the Chairperson;
iii. Assist the Chairperson in the performance of his or her duties;
iv. Coordinate committees of the local chapter; and
c. The Events Coordinator shall:
i. Contact any necessary community or school representatives for events planning;
ii. Coordinate all organizational event efforts through delegation of duties.
d. The Publicity/Information Chair shall:
i. Coordinate all publicity and advertising necessary for organizational events;
ii. Act as organization historian and/or coordinate all photography at events.
e. The Secretary shall:
i. Record and distribute minutes of all Governing Board and FMIG of West Virginia University meetings;
ii. Maintain a list of all RSVPs collected for noon hour lectures and meetings.
f. The Treasurer shall:
i. Keep all financial records;
ii. Be responsible for the development of an annual budget;
iii. Be responsible for the disbursement of FMIG of West Virginia University funds.
g. The First Year Representatives shall:
i. Act as primary liaisons between the governing board and the first year medical school class;
ii. Be delegated duties for leadership training purposes.
h. The Governing Board shall jointly:
i. Consist of all aforementioned officers.
ii. Coordinate the activities of the FMIG of West Virginia University;
iii. Create and make appointments to FMIG of West Virginia University Ad-hoc committees (as needed);
iv. Make appointments to FMIG of West Virginia University Standing committees;
v. Conduct at least two (2) meetings a year;
vi. Coordinate the recruitment of FMIG members.
i. Recall of Governing Board Members
i. If a person is deemed derelict in his or her duties, a recall election for any elected Governing Board member shall be called upon petition of one-fifth of the membership of the local chapter or upon a two-thirds majority other membership of the Governing Board, including its ex-officio members.
ii. A recall vote shall require a two-thirds majority of those members casting ballots in the recall election in order to remove the elected Governing Board member from office.
j. Vacancies
i. Vacancies in an elected Governing Board position shall be filled as soon as possible;
ii. Ballot elections will be held;
iii. The person elected to fill a vacancy shall take office immediately upon election.
Section 3. In order to hold an elected or appointed office in this organization, a member must be in good standing with the WVU School of Medicine
at the time of election or appointment, and must be a full time student. Further, the member shall not be on academic or disciplinary probation.
Article VII. Special WVU Requirements
This organization shall adhere to the West Virginia University Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.
Article VIII. Meetings
Section 1.
A. Time
The FMIG of West Virginia University shall hold a business meeting at least
twice annually. The Governing Board shall be empowered to call additional
meetings of the FMIG of West Virginia University.
B. Purpose
At its meetings, the FMIG shall:
1. Address internal resolutions;
2. Receive reports from each of the officers on the Governing
3. Elect officers of the Governing Board; and
4. Conduct any other business.
C. Meeting Notice
The membership shall be notified at least seven (7) days prior to all called
meetings. Notice shall be given to all members detailing the time, place,
credentialing process, resolution program, election procedures, and
educational programs for the meeting.
D. Rules of Order
For those matters not covered by these Bylaws or the Internal Operating Procedures of the FMIG, Davis’ Rules of Order shall be the guide for the
conduct of business.
Section 2. Quorum shall be constituted by the members present at the time of quorum.
Article IX. Committees
Committees deemed necessary must be enacted by the membership and shall be appointed by the Governing Board after soliciting letters of interest from the
membership. Committees shall submit an annual report to the membership and maintain regular contact with a Governing Board liaison.
Article X. Amendments
These bylaws may be amended by the chapter membership at any of its meetings provided the amendment shall have been proposed and publicized to the entire
membership not less than fourteen days prior to the meeting. The amendment requires a two-thirds majority vote of those members in attendance to pass.