
This organization seeks to provide an opportunity for current medical students to engage in the process of reserching, producing and editing an informational podcast relevant to West Virginia healthcare.

For more information contact:  mountaineermedicalhour@gmail.com


Veronica Gibbons
Reagan Campbell
Vice President
Amelia Angotti
Mikayla Smith
Julia Corton
Public Affair Officer



The name of this organization shall be the Mountaineer Medical Hour (MMH). MMH is a student organization at West Virginia University School of Medicine.  This organization's purpose shall be to produce a podcast in which current medical students interview West virginia Physicians, as well as other West virginia healthcare personnel.

Mission Statement: This organization seeks to provide an opportunity for current medical students to engage in the process of researching, producing, and editingan informational podcast relevant to West Virginia healthcare.

ARTICLE II - Objectives

The objectives of the organization shall be:

  1. To produce a podcast that interviews West Virginia physicians and other healthcare specialties, but does not claim to represent or speak for West Virginia
  2. To provide medical students with a platform in which they can have honest conversations with physicians and other healthcare workers about relevant topics in West Virginian healthcare.
  3. To serve the medical community by providing an accessible podcast that illuminate prevalent topics/fields of medicine is West Virginia.
  4. Only officers who have received training with the podcast protocol of MMH are able to interview for MMH, but active student group members may serve as alternates and be assigned to specific episodes at officer

ARTICLE III - Membership

Members and officers must be enrolled students at West Virginia University. Non-students may act as associate members, but may not vote or hold office.

ARTICLE IV - Officers

Election of Officers

  1. The officers of this organization are president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and public relations officer.1f needed, the secretary and treasurer position can be combined into a single role.
  2. Officers will be elected by written ballot, with each active member casting a vote. A majority of votes will constitute a
  3. Election of officers will take place during the 2nd week of Exceptions can be made in case of emergencies and other unforeseen circumstances. The decision to change election date must be majority agreement amongst the executive board.
  4. Officers will assume office for the period of one year.
  5. Officers will receive training on MMH podcast protocol by previous year officers upon
  6. Leadership officers will conduct interviews with various members of the healthcare system throughout the state of West Virginia including, but not limited to healthcare providers, policymakers, and administrators at both the community and academic levels. These interview-s w-ill be aired on the Mountaineer Medical Hour podcast recorded live at the time of the interview.

ARTICLE V-Group Activities/Meetings

The group activities/meetings shall follow these guidelines:

  1. Throughout the semester, monthly organized meetings will be held for student members where topics from recent podcasts and plans for future podcasts will be discussed. Topics/questions for upcoming podcasts should be discussed during these meetings and approved/finalized by group leadership prior to each interview encounter. If pertinent, plans for travel and allocation of any fiscal funds should also be
  2. Meetings will be open to all students, faculty, and staff A notice of at least one week will be given prior to all meetings via These meetings are to be organized and directed by officers and active members.



  1. Coordinates all activities of the organization
  2. Acts as liaison to university community and faculty advisor
  3. Serves as official representative of the organization
  4. Calls regular and special meetings
  5. Presides at and prepares agenda for meetings
  6. Oversees podcast as a whole

Vice President

  1. Assists president in oversight of club activities and podcast production
  2. Helps to prepare agenda for meeting
  3. Helps to finalize scripts for episodes


  1. Maintains accurate and current information of the organization and membership
  2. Assists president and vice-president to coordinate organization activities
  3. Assists president, vice-president, and interviewer to finalize scripts
  4. Keeps accurate minutes of each meeting and forward copies to other officers
  5. Keeps attendance records for meetings
  6. Creates and updates calendar to share with other officers


  1. Serves as liaison to WVU for all purpose of organizational funding
  2. Maintains accurate and current account of all organizational funds
  3. Responsible for dispensing of funds in accordance with the goals and program
  4. Responsible to tracking equipment status

Public Affairs Officer

  1. Responsible for social media accounts and marketing of episodes
  2. Helps to maintain Podcast platform
  3. Helps with editing and publishing of episodes


This constitution and by-laws may be amended by a 3/5-majority vote of those voting, a quorum being present.

ARTICLE VI - Not-for-profit Statement This is a not-for-profit organization.

ARTICLE VII - Statement of Non-discrimination

This organization shall not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression, religion, age, marital status, national origin, disability. or veteran status. This policy will include, but not limited to recruiting, membership, organization activities, or opportunities to hold office.

ARTICLE VIII - Financial Obligation

This organization will not require any dues/fees from members. Any and all funds acquired will be through donations/fund.raising events. Funds shall be utilized at the discretion of the executive board and faculty advisors, provided that its utilization will fulfill the objectives of the organization.