
Article I - Mission Statement

The mission of the West Virginia University School of Medicine Plastic Surgery Interest Group is to provide the WVU-SOM student body with a comprehensive introduction the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery. In particular, we have the following objectives:

  • Introduce the medical student body to the field of plastic surgery early on in medical school. We aim to do this by hosting a variety of speakers from the Plastic Surgery Department here at WVU School of Medicine, including faculty and residents. Plastic surgery is one of the most competitive specialties in medicine, and it is crucial to begin thinking about potential interest early in order to maximize chance of successful application on “Match Day”.
  • Highlight the diverse array subspecialties within the field of plastic surgery, thus challenging the stereotype that plastic surgery is simply “elective” or “cosmetic”.
  • Establish a community in order to promote collaboration in research between students, residents, and faculty within the field of plastic surgery.
  • Outline the ways in which plastic surgeons interact with a variety of other medical specialties, including orthopedic surgery, breast surgery, surgical oncology, ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, endocrinology, psychiatry, and a variety of others.
  • Advocate for plastic surgery education in the didactic curriculum at WVUSOM in order to introduce the field earlier in the medical education.

Article II - Officers

Section I - Faculty Advisor

The Plastic Surgery Interest Group will work with a Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery department faculty mentor of West Virginia University Hospital.

Section II - Co-Presidents

The President shall be a member of the organization elected by majority vote in a general assembly of the organization. The President’s duties shall consist of but are certainly not limited to: opening and closing meetings, conducting meetings in general, and collaborating to organize events and committees in conjunction with the other officers of the club. The President of the organization will be present/preside over all general meetings, committee activities, or other planned events.

Section III - Vice President

The Vice President shall be a member of the organization elected by majority vote in a general assembly of the organization. The Vice President’s duty is to aid the Co-Presidents in organizing and running meetings and events. The Vice President will also be responsible for representing the organization at events and presiding over meetings if neither Co-President is able to attend.

Section IV - Additional Officers

As the need arises as the interest group grows in scope and size, additional officer positions may be formed and filled by majority vote in a general assembly. A committee will be organized to decide the duties of the new positions if any new positions are formed.

Article III – Membership

This interest group shall consist of any West Virginia University School of Medicine student or faculty member who has an interest in plastic and reconstructive surgery. Members shall be accepted without any discrimination on the basis of race, sex, religion, creed national origin or any other form of discrimination.

Article IV – Elections

The election period will begin in May of the spring semester. During this meeting students will announce their intention of running for the office of their choice to the current officers. The following meeting will provide time for short speeches by candidates, should they choose to speak, and will include the actual elections. Any active member in good academic standing is eligible to run for any office. The member just needs to declare the position that they wish to run for during the election period. Winning an election shall be determined by receiving a majority of the votes.

Article V – Impeachment

Impeachment shall be available upon a written request to the advisor. If the advisor agrees with the stipulations of why the officer in question should be impeached then the impeachment will be discussed at the next general assembly, giving time for the officer in question to defend him or herself and the accuser to make his or her point. However, no vote will be taken at the meeting at which the impeachment is first discussed. The following meeting will allow for more discussion as well as a vote for or against the impeachment as long as a motion is made and seconded by an active member in good standing. If a motion for impeachment is made, then a vote will be taken on the matter if quorum is met. The officer is considered impeached by a three-quarter majority vote.

Article VI - By Laws

By-laws may be proposed by the membership and may be adopted by a majority vote of those present at a meeting when a quorum is present upon approval from the national organization.

Article VI – Amendments

Amendments to the constitution may be proposed by any members of the Group. Such proposals shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee for a first reading to the membership at the regular meeting prior to the meeting at which the proposed amendment is to be voted on. Duly proposed amendments shall be submitted to a vote of the voting members providing a quorum is present. A two-thirds majority vote in favor, shall be required for adoption of such amendment.


Sameer Shetty
Lundrim Marku
Vice President
Nicholas Miller
Zayd Alasadi
Jack Gelman
Faculty Advisor