Student Harm Reduction Organization of Morgantown (SHROOM)
The Student Harm Reduction Organization of Morgantown (SHROOM) is dedicated to raising awareness of harm reduction practices and principles, creating a supportive, non-judgemental learning environment, reducing stigma regarding drug use, and promoting an inclusive healthcare environment throughout WVU.
Organization objectives:
Promote education about harm reduction
Advocate for the inclusion of harm reduction in the medical school curriculum
Reduce stigma regarding drug use
Participate in community service
Serve as a point of contact for Narcan Training
Serve as a source to fight misinformation surrounding drugs and drug use
Collaborate with other medical students and programs throughout the state
Activities will include:
Programs will include guest speakers, Narcan (Naloxone) training, and panel discussions.
- Julia Deziel
- President
- Hayley Harman
- Outreach Chair
- Jess Rychel
- Advocacy Chair
- Julia Deziel
- Education
- Nina D;Andrea
- Education (Guest speakers)
- Tatiana Henriksson
- Service Chair (local)
- Barbara Wehle
- Service Chair (Narcan)
- Robin Pollini
- Faculty Advisor
- El Didden
- Student Advisor
I. Membership
Membership is open to all medical students, and students from other WVU HSC graduate programs, who attend meetings, register, and show interest in the organization and its mission.
II. Meetings and Activities
Each semester, there shall be at least three educational lunchtime meetings. Programs will include guest speakers, Narcan training, and panel discussions. These meetings shall be open to medical students, faculty, and the public (as deemed appropriate). Notification of a meeting is to be sent at least 2 weeks prior to student services and students given at least 1 week notice in order to assess attendance through RSVP.
Each semester, there shall be at least two meetings held solely by the executive officers to discuss scheduling, future lunch and executive meetings, community activities, projects, and fundraising. There should be at least one executive meeting held prior to each educational lunch meeting to discuss the goals of the lecture and potential questions relating to the subject material. The executive committee chair shall be the leader of the executive meetings, and actions of the executive committee must be approved by a voting majority, with each executive officer having one vote (including the president). Any use of treasury funds exceeding $30 must be approved by a majority vote of the executive officers. If an executive officer is unable to attend a meeting in person, then that officer may join the meeting through long distance means and still maintain voting privileges. If an absence is known to be unavoidable and the officer is unable to join the meeting through long distance methods, then that officer is allowed to give another officer proxy voting privileges if the president is informed of the proxy vote at least 5 hours before the meeting occurs.
Student Harm Reduction Organization of Morgantown shall have a booth available each year during the orientation of the MS1 class to present the goals and mission of the club in a professional manner.
III. Executive Committee
Qualities of the executive committee should include mentorship, active learning, participation, community outreach, and advocacy.
The executive committee shall consist of at least three but not more than ten student members. The committee shall be selected based on the projects that the organization is currently working on, and members shall be assigned to the project which they are most passionate about. Multiple students may be elected to a single chair position, if both are willing to work cooperatively.
Executive committee chair:
In addition to assisting other committee chairs with projects on an as-needed basis, the chair shall organize meetings, set up Zoom links, and complete paperwork as needed.
Project Leaders
Responsibilities of the outreach chair include, but are not limited to, connecting with other organizations dedicated to harm reduction and substance use throughout the state, communicating with said organizations, and planning cooperative meetings and events.
Responsibilities of the advocacy chair include, but are not limited to, staying up to date on local and state policy decisions, researching opportunities for advocacy, and organizing any petitions or political actions.
Education Curriculum
Responsibilities of the curriculum chair include, but are not limited to, working with the outreach and guest speaker chair to ensure that all meetings have a consistent educational mission, serving as an expert on what the school of medicine curriculum covers in regards to harm reduction, and advocating for more inclusive and evidence-based class content.
Guest speakers/presentations
Responsibilities of the guest speaker chair include, but are not limited to, researching potential guest speakers, coordinating educational meetings, and serving as a point of contact for any guest speakers/presenters.
Service Local outreach
Responsibilities of the local outreach chair include, but are not limited to, working with organizations within Morgantown to provide service opportunities for organization members, serving as a point of contact for the LIGHT program, and maintaining a relationship with the Morgantown/Monongalia county Harm Reduction community.
Narcan Trainings
Responsibilities of the guest speaker chair include, but are not limited to, working with the Health Department/Save a Life Day to become Narcan (Naloxone) trainer trained, providing Narcan training when requested, and organizing Save a Life Day volunteers.
IV. Elections
Elections shall take place at the end of each school year. The president shall send notification of the elections to each of the medical school classes via email.
A short essay shall be required of each applicant, with the application stating their intent to run for office, their preference of officer position, the number of group events they have attended throughout the year, their reasons for wanting to hold office in the group, and why they are an appropriate candidate for said office.
After notification of the elections, the president will collect these applications no sooner than one and a half weeks after the notification was sent, and must distribute the applications to the other executive officers at least 24 hours prior to the vote.
The applications will be considered by the executive officers, and each candidate must be approved for their new position by a majority of the current executive officers.
Upon the occurrence of a competitive race, an applicant who does not successfully obtain their preferred office may choose to have their application applied to the other open races.
V. Resignation and Impeachment
Any officer may choose to resign from the organization at any time with proper notice to each of the other executive officers.
If an officer becomes unable to or fails to perform their duties as described above, they can, by the discretion of the executive officers, be removed from office by a majority vote of the executive officers.
Notification of the impeachment process must be given to the officer being impeached and all other executive officers at least 72 hours before the vote is to take place.
During the impeachment meeting, the officer being impeached may present to the other executive officers any arguments or disagreements with the process in a speech lasting no longer than 5 minutes. The meeting for impeachment may be held and led by any executive officer. The vote shall be counted out of the total number of executive officers in the organization, regardless of physical attendance, with any absence being counted as neither for nor against, with the exclusion of long distance or proxy votes, which shall be counted as any other vote of a physically present officer.
In the case of an opening in an officer position, the appropriate officer as described above may take the official position.
If the appropriate officer declines, then a special election will occur with the same procedure as described in article IV, with the sole deviation that applications may be collected no earlier than 4 days after notification was sent to the medical school classes.
VI. Changes to the Bylaws
Any changes to the Bylaws must be approved by a vote of the executive officers with no less than 75% of the votes in favor of the change. Once the change has been approved by the executive officers, the amendment must be submitted to the student services office.
VII. Ethics
The organization must at all times abide by the laws, rules, and codes of the United States government, West Virginia government, West Virginia University, WVU Health Sciences, and WVU School of Medicine. The organization must at all times abide by the principles of ethics inherent to the field of medicine.
The organization shall follow the NHRC principles outlined in the Mission Statement.