Ultrasound Interest Group
The purpose of USIG shall be:
- To promote interest, understanding, and competence with the use of ultrasound in clinical medicine
- To foster professional growth among membership
- To assist students interested in point-of-care ultrasound in education and provide resources to further their knowledge and skill
- Understand the clinical utility of ultrasound
- Review anatomic structures covered in MS1 curriculum
- Perform hands-on procedures including FAST exams, echocardiograms, and ultrasound-guided injections
For more information contact:ultrasound.wvu@gmail.com
- Bradford Dugan
- President
- Grace Maley
- Vice President
- Elizabeth Steele
- Secretary
- Dr. Brad End
- Faculty Advisor
Article 1: Name, Purpose, and Membership
Section 1
The name of this organization will be the Ultrasound Interest Group of West Virginia University School of Medicine, also known as USIG.
Section 2
The purpose of USIG shall be:
- To promote interest, understanding, and competence with the use of ultrasound in clinical medicine
- To foster professional growth among membership
- To assist students interested in point-of-care ultrasound in education and provide resources to further their knowledge and skill
Section 3
Membership is open to medical students enrolled at WVU. No person shall, on the grounds of race, creed, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, handicap, military status, or such other factors which cannot be considered lawfully, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity within the organization.
Article II: Officers and Duties
Section 1
The executive council shall consist of the following:
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- MS3 Liaison
- MS2 Liaison
- MS1 Liaison
Section 2
Duties of the President
- Shall be responsible for calling meetings
- Shall reside at and conduct all meetings
- Shall be responsible for appointing committees
- Shall plan a program of events for his or her term of office
Section 3
Duties of the Vice President
- Shall fulfill the duties of the president as stated in Section 2 during the absence of the president
- Shall update and maintain the USIG webpage and social media accounts
- Shall assist in the coordination and planning of calendar events
Section 4
Duties of the Secretary
- Shall be responsible for maintaining accurate minutes of all meetings
- Shall be responsible for correspondence to other organizations and individuals
- Shall be responsible for all publicity for the organization
- Shall fulfill the duties of the vice president as stated in Section 3 during the absence of the vice president
- Shall assume duties assigned by the president
- Shall assume duties related to alias and contacting members
Section 5
Duties of the Treasurer
- Shall administer financial affairs
- Shall fulfill the duties of the secretary as stated in Section 4 during his or her absence
- Shall submit a budget proposal at the beginning of each school year
- Shall assume duties assigned by the president
Section 6
Duties of the Liaison
- Shall act as a spokesperson for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year WVUSOM Classes
- Shall assist in coordination of events and avoidance of schedule conflicts with each of the WVU SoM classes
- Shall assume duties assigned by the president
Article III: Election Rules and Regulations
Section 1
Election of officers will be held at the last organizational meeting of the spring semester. The officers will be elected for a period of one year. This election will be by a simple majority of those attending the meeting, thus determining the winners.
Section 2
To hold an elected, or appointed office in this organization, a member must have at least a 75% average at the time of election or appointment, and must be a full-time student. Furthermore, the member may not be on academic or disciplinary probation.
Article IV: Removal and Succession
Section 1
Removal. Action for impeachment or removal of an office may be enacted at any regular meeting by a vote of two-thirds of the members present, providing the proposed action shall have been submitted in writing at a previous meeting and written notification given to the general membership.
Section 2
Succession. The filling of vacancies in unexpired officers’ terms shall be accomplished by holding an election in the usual manner at the regular scheduled meeting immediately following a notice of vacancy. The election can take place during a meeting in which a vacancy occurs (e.g., impeachment or resignation).
Article V: Amendments
Section 1
Any amendment to this constitution must be approved by two-thirds vote of those members present and voting.
Article VI: Special WVU Requirements
This organization will adhere to the West Virginia University Conduct Code.