
The rural district of Gulu in Northern UgandaThe Internal Medicine Global Health Uganda rotation is split between Gulu, a rural district in Northern Uganda that was the location of much of the fighting and terrorizing by the Lord's Resistance Army, and Jinja, a large city in the southeast on the shores of Lake Victoria. This rotation is a primarily rural ambulatory rotation through mobile clinics.

In Gulu, residents will live in traditional huts on the Lakome compound as guests of ChildVoice, while providing hands-on care through mobile clinics set up on the compound. Acute and chronic conditions will be managed for patients of all ages with a pharmacy on-site. Referrals for further lab work, imaging, and procedures are managed with the assistance of local staff. There is also the opportunity to spend a week in the Imvepi refugee camp providing medical camps through partnerships with ChildVoice, the International Rescue Committee (CIRC), the Office of Prime Minister (OPM) of Uganda, and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).   Residents Matt Lokant, Nishtha Modi, Alexandra Hardy and Benita Wu

 The latter half of the rotation is spent in Jinja, Uganda, working with a local national non-government organization to provide medical evaluations and treatment to the female inmates and staff and their families at the local prison. 

As one of our newest partnerships, we look forward to expanding our reach through the use of POCUS, mobile lab testing as well as including medical students on this rotation in the near future.