Pre-requisite Courses

Prerequisite Courses 

The following courses are required in order to be eligible for admission to the program:

  • 8 SH Biology with lab
  • 8 SH College Chemistry with lab
  • 3-4 SH Organic Chemistry or 3-4 SH of Biochemistry (for WVU students Chem 231 fulfills this pre-requisite)
  • 3-4 SH Microbiology, Immunology, Parasitology, or equivalent
  • 3 SH Human Anatomy
  • 3 SH College Algebra or higher
  • 3 SH English Composition or comparable

Please note the following information about prerequisite courses:

  • Prerequisite courses must be completed at a regionally accredited 2-or 4-year U.S. or Canadian college or university within the 10 years prior to the date of matriculation. 

  • Applicants can have no more than one “C” in the prerequisite courses. All remaining prerequisite courses must have no less than a “B.”

  • SH is semester hours which represents credit hours.
  • Advanced placement (AP) courses will only be accepted for the Math and English requirements.

  • Combined Anatomy and Physiology courses are accepted; mammalian anatomy will not be accepted.

  • There will be no waivers or exceptions to the requirements.