Blue-Gold Continuing Education Day

Rehabilitation Issues in Medically Complex Patients
Too Sick or Not Too Sick?  That is the Question!”

Saturday, April 27, 2024


8:15-8:30         Check-in, visit displays, housekeeping and welcome (Ivan Mulligan PT, DSc, SCS, CSCS)

8:30-9:15         Demographics & Rehab Needs

  •  PICS & PACS & Cancer—Oh My! (Anne Swisher PT, PhD, FAPTA & Kari DiVito PT, DPT, CCS)

9:15-10:00       Assessments:

  • Frailty Assessment—not Just for Geriatrics (Corrie Mancinelli PT, PhD)
  • Vital signs are vital! (Kari DiVito PT, DPT, CCS)

10:00-10:15     Break (visit displays)

10:15-11:00     Interventions:

  • 2 steps forward, 1 step back - adapting exercise planning (Megan Burkart PT, DPT, CLT, Oncology Clinical Specialist)
  • Oxygen & Heart Failure guidelines for PT (Kari DiVito PT, DPT, CCS)

11:00-11:45     Documentation:

  • How to demonstrate complexity in writing (Ralph Utzman PT, MPH, PhD)
  • Choosing good outcome measures (Anne Swisher PT, PhD, FAPTA)

11:45-12:15     Cases & Q&A (All)

Registration fees:

  • $100 PTs/PTAs
  • $75 WVU PT alumni
  • $50 WVU PT Clinical Instructors
  • $25 WVU PT faculty and current students



Megan Burkart is Associate Professor, WVU Division of Physical Therapy.  She is a board-certified Oncologic Clinical Specialist and Coordinator of the WVU Oncology Physical Therapy Residency.  She has over 10 years of experience helping persons with complex medical conditions become active and engaged in life.

Kari DiVito is Coordinator of the WVU/WVUMedicine Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physical Therapy Residency.  She is a board-certified Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Clinical Specialist at JW Ruby Memorial Hospital and has special expertise in the physical therapy management of critically ill patients.

Corrie Mancinelli is Professor and Assistant Dean for Clinical Affairs, WVU Division of Physical Therapy.  She was a board-certified Geriatric Clinical Specialist for over 10 years and has been managing physical therapy needs for older adults and others with medically complex conditions for over 30 years.

Anne Swisher is Professor and Director of Post-Professional Initiatives, WVU Division of Physical Therapy.  She was a board-certified Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Clinical Specialist for 20 years.  She has taught and provided physical therapy services for persons with complex medical conditions for over 35 years.  She is a Fellow of the APTA.

Ralph Utzman is Professor and Director of Clinical Education, WVU Division of Physical Therapy.  He has taught and guided students through all aspects of clinical care for nearly 30 years, with special expertise on documentation, billing and coding in diverse care settings.

 Course Objectives:

  1. Describe the issues of medically-complex patients as they relate to the scope of physical therapy practice across diverse care settings.
  2. Utilize validated tests to assess function and response to physical activity in medically complex patients.
  3. Adapt exercise prescription for patients with fluctuating daily symptoms, such as post-ICU syndrome, long-COVID, and cancer survivors.
  4. Appropriately assess and document physical therapy management of medically complex patients.


Newly renovated PT Lab (Room 8404) WVU Health Sciences Center, Morgantown, WV.  Parking available on site. Contact for any questions.