Health Informatics & Information Management
See where a degree in Health Informatics & Information Management can take you by exploring highlighted alumni profiles below! Additional Professional & Undergraduate Programs student and alumni profiles are available via the School of Medicine website.
Class of 2022
Alex Stevenson
Health Informatics and Information Management
“Overall the people here are very kind and helpful. The faculty really connect with the program’s students. I had a ton of questions starting out, they helped and were always available.”
Class of 2021
Megan Holley
Health Informatics and Information Management
“It is really inspiring to be a part of the School of Medicine and meet people with all types of majors, backgrounds and interests, but have one thing in common and that’s health, healthcare and medicine. I made some great connections with my peers and professors.”
Class of 2020
Nicholas McCardle
Health Informatics and Information Management
“The staff and faculty here have been fundamental in helping us out. The program director, Sally Lucci, teaches a couple of classes, she gets us volunteering positions at the HIM department and takes us to conventions where there are numerous networking opportunities.”