Accelerated BS in HIIM to MHA

The Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's (ABM) provides a pathway for well-qualified WVU Health Informatics and Information Management (HIIM) students to enter the Master of Health Administration (MHA) program early and complete both their undergraduate and graduate degrees within five years.

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Regular Admission (Currently Enrolled WVU Students)

Students seeking to enter the accelerated program must apply separately and be admitted first to the BS HIIM program pursuant to program admission requirements in effect at the time, and then apply to the ABM HIIM-MHA following the guidelines below:

  1. Applicants must have completed at least 63 credits but no more than 81 credits of BS HIIM coursework.
  2. Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher in the BS HIIM program. 
  3. Applicants may have no documented infractions with the WVU Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities or any external law enforcement agencies.
  4. Students must meet with their undergraduate advisor routinely to ensure eligibility for the ABM program.
  5. Transfer students must complete at least 30 credit hours as degree-seeking students at WVU before applying to the ABM.

Applications to the ABM must include a resume, two letters of recommendation, and a personal statement addressing their interest in the ABM, career goals, and how the ABM will support these goals. Applications are reviewed by an ABM HIIM-MHA admission committee.

Student Expectations

Students are expected to remain in compliance with all Health Informatics and Information Management policies and procedures during the undergraduate portion of the program, and with all Health Administration/Public Health policies and procedures during the graduate portion. Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 beginning with the semester in which they enroll in MHA courses, continuing through the end of the ABM program. Students must also complete 120 undergraduate credit hours by the end of year 4.


Students completing the HIIM to MHA ABM will typically begin taking graduate Health Administration/Public Health coursework during the fall of their fourth year. Course descriptions and a recommended plan of study are available via the West Virginia University Academic Catalog.