Welcome to the West Virginia University Spine Fellowship Program. The goal of our one-year fellowship is to train well-rounded spine surgeons who are competent and confident enough to be successful in either a private or academic practice. We accept one fellow each year, which allows for a unique, one-on-one mentorship approach with each of our faculty. Since 2011, the WVU Spine Fellowship has been an AOSpine North America Fellowship Site, which allows further educational opportunities not otherwise available to other fellows.
The clinical experience features incredible depth and breadth; over 1100 spine cases are performed annually at our institution covering the entire spectrum of spinal pathology. The fellowship offers a well-balanced, broad exposure to spine care. Faculty include Orthopaedic, Neurosurgical, and Pediatric Spine surgeons, and the fellow will become facile with both open and minimally invasive surgical techniques.
Thank you for your interest in our fellowship. We hope the information contained in the following pages provides you with an overview of the program. We participate in the San Francisco Match, and additional information regarding the application procedure may be found on their website. If you have further questions or would like additional information about our program, please contact Cindy Thompson, C-TAGME via email or telephone at (304) 293-1168.
John C. France, MD
Professor, Vice Chairman and Fellowship Director

Mountaineers know West Virginia University is special.
See cases you want to see, learn from mentors and contribute to your specialty through research. It’s all part of perfecting your skills as a clinician and advancing your career with our fellowship training.
We know that can be demanding, so as you train, we have programs, facilities and amenities to help sustain your growth, on and off the clock.