Didactics and Seminars

Intern Training Seminars

Interns attend two weekly one-hour training seminars focussing on various aspects of service provision, specialized topics and professional development. Discussions about mental health and behavioral medicine are held three weeks per month. Approximately once per month, didactics will include emphasis in the following areas:

  • Assessment
    • ADHD Evaluations
    • Memory
    • Therapeutic Feedback
  • Integrated Primary Care
    • Community Connections and Resources
    • Leadership in PCBH
    • Pediatrics
    • Older Adults
    • Encopresis
    • Enuresis
    • Tics
  • Professional Development
    • Research
    • Postdoctoral Fellowships
    • Private Practice
    • Rural Ethics
    • Work-Life Balance
  • Diversity
    • Introduction to Reflective Local Practice
    • History and Culture of the Eastern Panhandle
    • Advocacy
    • Culturally Sensitive Case Conceptualization
  • Supervision
    • Models of Supervision
    • Alliance and Conflict in Supervision
    • Feedback
    • Developing Priorities in the Supervision Hour

Examples of other didactic topics include the following:

  • Introduction to PCIT
  • Obesity & Weight Loss
  • Diabetes
  • Positive Psychology
  • 123 Magic
  • Pediatric Psychiatry
  • Behavioral Accommodation
  • Chronic Pain
  • Childhood Trauma
  • Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders

Clinical Case Conferences & Journal Clubs

Interns will meet monthly with BMP faculty and post-docs for clinical case conferences and journal clubs. Interns and staff will take turns presenting clinical material to the group for consultation, support and feedback.

Fourth Friday Meetings

Interns are required to attend regularly scheduled monthly 'Fourth Friday' meetings. These meetings involve discussions of current event topics that are relevant to the interns’ work as psychologists. Special attention is given to topics with related diversity factors.

Monthly Training Director Meetings

Interns will attend a monthly meeting with the training director to discuss issues related to professional development, track progress related to individual internship goals and monitor progress toward completing the internship.