
Eastern Campus - Meet Rosemarie Lorenzetti!
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The WVU HSC Eastern Division is an integration of community health care professionals and full time faculty to create a stimulating learning environment. The WVU HSC Eastern Division initiative is a multi- institutional endeavor in which the Division is leading the effort. Our other partners are Marshall University School of Medicine and the WV Osteopathic School of Medicine. The WVU HSC Eastern Division provides a comparable education to the main campus experience. The community-based nature of the WVU HSC Eastern Division will afford students experiences absent in traditional academic settings. This reflects a national trend in medical education which is more community centered. 

The WVU HSC Eastern Division clinical rotations will be directed by clerkship directors that have been acclimated with the clinical mission and educational format of all three West Virginia medical schools. The goal will be to give the student the best possible clinical exposure to patient care, with continued academic excellence in education. The students will meet with clerkship directors several times a week for educational rounds, didactic sessions and procedure learning sessions.