David Wegert

David Wegert has always enjoyed understanding how the human body works. Interning as an athletic trainer for the Washington Nationals baseball team, he taped, stretched, rehabbed, provided manual therapy, iced down sore muscles and helped treat injuries. With this experience, he knew that a career in physical therapy was the right path for him.
A native of Washington Township, New Jersey, David found in athletic training the perfect fit for his undergraduate studies and an avenue to pursue a medical career path. He chose West Virginia University and the Doctor of Physical Therapy program because of the great reputation of the program and the welcoming environment of Morgantown.
“I came here as an undergraduate student from New Jersey not knowing anyone and fell in love with the school, the town and the people,” David said. “When I was accepted into the program, I was very excited and couldn’t say no to another three years at WVU.”
With the approaching White Coat Ceremony, which marks students’ commitment to the field of medicine, and the beginning of their clinical path, David strongly recommends WVU’s PT program to prospective students.
“WVU is a phenomenal university, and the Physical Therapy program is no different,” he said. “Be ready to work hard and be challenged every day, but in the end, it will all be worth it. You will also meet some of your best friends in PT school because you are all going through the same challenges with a similar goal.”
Contemplating his long-term plans, David credits his studies with positioning him to pursue his dream career where he can utilize his passion for manual therapy, functional rehabilitation and performance optimization.
“I am hoping to either work in professional baseball or own my own outpatient clinic/gym and work with high-level athletes,” David said.