Lauren Garcia

“The OT program at WVU provides some of the best hands-on learning experiences available. Not only do we utilize the STEPs center as a means to practice with simulated patients, but we are also provided with opportunities to work with clients in need of therapeutic intervention.”
Why did you choose your current major or program?
Occupational therapy is a rising profession that utilizes a unique approach to serving its clients. We truly emphasize the use of holistic and client-centered care, ensuring the therapy experience is as meaningful and as successful as possible.
Why did you choose WVU for your education?
I chose WVU, not only because it is close to home, but also because of the OT program's long-standing history for producing great clinicians. I had the utmost confidence that this University could produce one of the most successful doctorate of OT programs.
What do you eventually want to do in your career? What’s the end goal? Are there any postgraduate degrees or programs you want to pursue?
Following the achievement of my entry-level occupational therapy doctorate (OTD) degree, I hope to obtain both national and state certification/licensure within the profession. After gaining ample clinical experience in a variety of settings, I hope to sit for the Hand Therapy Certification exam, eventually acquiring the role of a certified hand therapist (CHT) on an orthopedic surgical team.
Why do you feel this career will be rewarding and fits you uniquely?
OT is one of the most rewarding experiences because it provides me with the opportunity to not only help others become the most independent and successful versions of themselves, but it also allows me to build strong relationships along the way.
What would you tell a student who’s thinking about applying to your program?
Have full confidence in your abilities and skills to become a successful graduate student. This program has required me to step out of my comfort zone from both an educational and personal level, transforming me into the the best version of my future self.
Does your program have any hands-on learning or internship opportunities that you’ve particularly enjoyed?
The OT program at WVU provides some of the best hands-on learning experiences available. Not only do we utilize the STEPs center as a means to practice with simulated patients, but we are also provided with multiple opportunities to work with clients in need of true therapeutic intervention. Along with our required fieldwork rotations that occur in the later stages of the program, we also frequently visit assisted living facilities, elementary schools, and community centers within the area to practice some of our knowledge and skills. Currently, I am working with the Morgantown Public Library (Cheat Lake Branch) to help develop a sensory space that will provide children with an outlet for emotional regulation and positive sensory experiences. I have met so many great supervisors and clients during these hands-on experiences that I believe will help to enhance my professional practice in the future.
Have you had any faculty that you particularly enjoyed in class or through mentorship, etc.?
I have had great experiences with all of the faculty here in the WVU OT program. I am honored to be educated by every single one of them, as well as work alongside most of them as the GTA.
Are you active in any clubs or extracurricular activities?
I currently hold the position of the Graduate Teaching Assistant for the Division of Occupational Therapy. I am also a member of the WVU Student Occupational Therapy Association (SOTA).
Tell us something unique or interesting about yourself that others may not know. Hobbies, talents, superlatives, etc.
I would not be able to function without my planner. I also cannot leave my house in the morning until my bed is made. I call it, "staying organized."