MOT Curriculum and Progression

MOT Curriculum

For a complete list of courses and program progression, click here

For a complete list of program policies and procedures, please see the Division of OT Student Handbook.

Academic Policies

Students enrolled in the MOT program are subject to the following academic performance standards in addition to University requirements.

GPA Requirements / Probation

Students must maintain a semester and overall MOT Program GPA of 3.0 or better throughout the MOT Program. In cases where a student falls below this level, the student will be required to meet with the MOT Program Academic and Professional Standards Committee and be placed on academic probation by the Program (see MOT Student Handbook for Policy and description of the OT Academic and Professional Standards Committee). The student will have one additional semester to raise the semester and overall MOT Program GPA to 3.0 or above. Upon recommendation of the Academic and Professional Standards Committee, the MOT Program Director, and the Division of OT Chairperson, a student may be required to complete additional learning or professional activities to address identified deficiencies. A student will be dismissed from the MOT program if they have two occupational therapy program semesters with an overall GPA below 3.0, regardless of whether the semesters are consecutive or not.

GPA Requirements /Dismissal

A student will be dismissed from the MOT program if they have two occupational therapy program semesters with a GPA below 3.0, regardless of whether the semesters are consecutive or not. A student who receives more than 1 grade below C will be dismissed from the MOT Program.

GPA Requirements /Suspension

A grade of C or better is required in all OT undergraduate and graduate coursework. Students receiving a grade below C may request the opportunity to retake the course. Given the sequential nature of the curriculum, approval to retake a course will require ceased participation (suspension) in the MOT Program until the course is offered again in its regular sequence (the following year). This will result in additional time to complete the MOT Program.


Withdrawal from any one course equates to withdrawal from the MOT Program unless the student requests, and is granted by the Program Director and Division Chairperson, an academic leave of absence. Students may take a maximum of one year of academic leave of absence then will require reapplication and readmission. (See OT Program Student Handbook for relevant policies). A student on academic probation cannot participate in level II fieldwork.


Students are expected to fully comply with all academic fieldwork requirements (level I and level II rotations), including Program and Fieldwork site rules and regulations. Due to the effort and time required to develop entry-level generalist competencies, any outside employment during level II fieldwork is strongly discouraged. Students cannot begin level II fieldwork until all prior curriculum coursework is completed.


Students are responsible for ensuring that all administrative and academic requirements for graduation have been met. The Master of Occupational Therapy (MOT) Degree is awarded upon completion of all required graduate work (typically the end of the third year / eighth semester in the OT Program). In addition, students must meet the following criteria:

Completion of all West Virginia University admission, retention, and graduation requirements to achieve the Bachelor’s degree between semesters 5 and 6 of the OT education program. Additional information is available at: Additional MOT program progression and graduation requirements are as follows:

  1. All undergraduate degree requirements must be completed in order to progress to level II fieldwork.
  2. Completion of all West Virginia University admission, retention, and graduation requirements as outlined in the West Virginia University Graduate Catalogue:
  3. Completion of all MOT required coursework, fieldwork, and community service. All occupational therapy coursework counted towards the degree must be completed at West Virginia University.
  4. Maintenance of a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 with no MOT Program course below a grade of C (unless course has been successfully retaken).
  5. Completion of all paperwork requirements by WVU for graduation as well as payment of all fines and fees.

Completion of all MOT Program requirements must be completed within 5 years. Students extending beyond that period will be required to reapply and, upon admission, retake all MOT coursework and fieldwork. Level II fieldwork must be completed within 18 months of the conclusion of didactic coursework (semester 6).