February 28th 2017 - # 17-09
SoM Community News and Happenings
SPECIAL $5,000.00 SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY for those desiring to practice FMED in WV. The Family Medicine Foundation of WV offers two scholarships each year. ESP Scholarship and Tully Scholarship. Deadline March 20.
CLINICAL AND RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES NATIONAL DATABASE is available on the AAMC Careers in Medicine site, containing information about year round programs in the US and abroad. Check it out!
WHITE COAT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! School/Community Service Opportunity – assist Alumni at the White Coat Ceremony – Saturday, March 19, Waterfront Place, 10:00 am event. Gina Slaugenhoup
STUDENT ORGANIZATION HAPPENINGS: Check out this announcement link which contains the upcoming Student Organization activities. Remember to RSVP accordingly.
WELLNESS – MORGANTOWN CAMPUS MATCH WEEK: March 13-17. The Class of 2017 Morgantown Campus is sponsoring a week of evening activities as they celebrate the announcement of their residency program! All are invited to join them.
TALENT SHOW! Monday, March 20th 6:30 pm, Okey Patteson Aud. Come support your talented classmates and receive ½ hour of community service! Tickets available for purchase in Student Services Office for $5.00. They will be $7.00 at the door. All proceeds will go to WVU Children’s Hospital. This year’s talent show will feature students from each class. Expect HSC celebs in attendance and tweeting during the acts! As in the past we will have faculty judges from School of Medicine. It’s sure to be very entertaining!
YOGA FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS – and now all HSC PROFESSIONAL STUDENTS: Tuesday & Thursday after from 2:00 – 3:00 PM in the Wellness Studio (1st floor of the WVU Cancer Center). Mats are provided. This class will run through the spring semester.
COMMUNITY SERVICE OPPORTUNITY: Earn approx. 2 hours Community Service by participating in an educational research study that targets HIV patient education during the week of March 20th. Contact Dr. Cottrell or Diane Casdorph or Jeannette Southerly.
2nd ANNUAL UTRAFEST: Saturday, April 22, 2017, 8A-3P. Register via this google form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSekwPZE5446XhcRI7Hw-Qq77FH_MBh2_viXiSp1RHmehGhjCw/viewform. Questions? wvu.usig@gmail.com
HEALTH PLAN SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY – Deadline May 1: If you are originally from the Health Plan Service Area and interested in practicing in the geographic area (all of West Virginia and parts of Ohio). You are strongly encouraged to apply for this scholarship. http://financialaid.wvu.edu/r/download/235669
WELLNESS – EASTERN CAMPUS: March 3-5, Ski Weekend.
WELLNESS – MORGANTOWN CAMPUS: March 13-17, Match Week.
CLASS OF 2017 MATCH WEEK: March 13-17. Match Day – March 17!!!
CLASS OF 2019 WHITE COAT CEREMONY: Saturday, March 18th, 10-1 pm, Morgantown Event Center.
ANNUAL TALENT SHOW! March 20; 6:30 pm, Okey Patteson Aud.
HSC RESEARCH DAY – March 23-24, 2017.
AOA Day – March 24, 2017.
ULTRAFEST – April 22, 2017.
AWARDS CONVOCATION – Thursday, May 11, 5:00 pm, Fukushima Auditorium.
CLASS OF 2017 GRADUATION: Friday, May 12, 2017 6:00 pm, Creative Arts Center.
What’s Happening – Morgantown
This link contains the details of the Organization activities, listed here by date.
ONCOLOGY INTEREST GROUP: Thursday, March 16th at noon in Room 1107. RSVP here for lunch: https://goo.gl/forms/8Ts7nMqzO5O091h02
SURGERY INTEREST GROUP simulation events 3/23 5:30 pm STEPS.
MS4 Class of 2017
LAST CALL FOR MORGANTOWN CAMPUS “PREPARING FINANCIALLY FOR RESIDENCY” SEMINAR: Seminar/Sessions on All Three Campuses: M=March 6/7; C=March 20. RSVP to your selected campus according to the attached instructions.
GQ Way to Go Morgantown Campus! Thank you for your excellent participation last week. Currently the class completion rate is 52%. We ONLY have the ability to track class completion, NOT individual or campus compliance. Keep striving for that 100% class completion for the $500.00 end of year wellness event!!!
MS3 Class of 2018
COA APPLICATION: Interested in serving on the SoM Committee on Admissions (COA)? Complete the attached application and send to Dr. Linda Nield by March 15.
GETTING TO RESIDENCY PART 1- The Paperwork (aka M4 Orientation): Mark your calendars – Monday, April 24, 4-6:30 pm, multi-campus presentation. ATTENDANCE REQUIRED. Please plan accordingly.
MS2 Class of 2019
BLOCK 1 SUMMER REGISTRATION completed? These instructions were sent from your clinical Student Services unit. Deadline tomorrow March 1st.
- Monday, March 13, noon, lunch meeting, 1905 HSCN. Ceremony information. All participants strongly encouraged to attend.
- Friday, March 17, 3:30-4:30 pm, rehearsal Morgantown Event Center. All ceremony participants required to attend.
- Saturday, March 18, 10-1 pm, Ceremony, Morgantown Event Center.
MS1 Class of 2020
NEED A WVU TRANSCRIPT for a summer experience application? Request Transcript online. HSC Registrar hours 12:30-4 pm, room 1168-E (around the corner from Kavanaugh’s).
NEED A LETTER OF GOOD STANDING for a summer experience? Remember to submit the request and all details/deadlines to this email address, StudentServicesMedicine@hsc.wvu.edu .
What’s Happening – Charleston
HARM REDUCTION CLINIC: Wednesdays, 10-3:30. Kanawha Charleston Health Dept. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1POrU5dCdrwCu7AqtV82EBUSqh3P2u0DTEOvVC5CdEdQ/edit#gid=0.
MS4 Class of 2017
LAST CALL FOR MORGANTOWN CAMPUS “PREPARING FINANCIALLY FOR RESIDENCY” SEMINAR: Seminar/Sessions on All Three Campuses: M=March 6/7; C=March 20. RSVP to your selected campus according to the attached instructions.
MS3 Class of 2018
BLOCK 1 SUMMER REGISTRATION completed? Deadline tomorrow March 1st.
COA APPLICATION: Interested in serving on the SoM Committee on Admissions (COA)? Complete the attached application and send to Dr. Linda Nield by March 15.
WVU-CHARLESTON FAMILY MEDICINE RURAL SCHOLARS PROGRAM application deadline MARCH 31, 2017Questions? Contact Telista Snyder: 304-388-4630, or Dr. Bors.
GETTING TO RESIDENCY PART 1- The Paperwork (aka M4 Orientation): Mark your calendars – Monday, April 24, 4-6:30 pm, multi-campus presentation. ATTENDANCE REQUIRED. Please plan accordingly.
What’s Happening – Eastern
EASTERN PANHANDLE MEDICAL SOCIETY - Special Meeting- Wed. Mar. 8th. Lecture 6:30pm, Hilton Garden Inn- Garden Place, Martinsburg. Dinner and meeting at 7:30pm. Topic- “Zebras in the Cath Lab: When it isn’t Atherosclerosis (Unusual causes of MI)”. Speaker, Neal Gaither, MD, BMC Catherization Lab. RSVP horstj@wvumedicine.org for dinner.
COMMUNITY SERVICE OPPORTUNITY: Berkeley Medical Center Health Promotions is planning the Truffle Shuffle 5k for April 29 in downtown Martinsburg. Last year at least 1 med student came to work a first aid station at the finish. Would we be able to get 1-2 med students again this year? If you can volunteer contact Dana DeJarnett at DDeJarnett@wvumedicine.org 304-264-1287, ext 31814
COMMUNITY SERVICE OPPORTUNITY: Health Fairs sponsored by Shepherd School of Nursing. Thu. Mar. 30th. Cara Burker.
COLLEGE OF SURGEONS meeting opportunity - The West Virginia Chapter American College of Surgeons is pleased to announce that they will again sponsor medical students’ attendance at the 2017 Annual Meeting May 11, 12, 13 at The Greenbrier in White Sulphur Springs, WV. Email Eastern Student Services if you are interested.
STEPPING STONES: Volunteers needed - Street Rounds- Tu. Immanuel’s House, Mon. reserve a time wvusteppingstones@gmail.com
MS4 Class of 2017
LAST CALL FOR MORGANTOWN CAMPUS “PREPARING FINANCIALLY FOR RESIDENCY” SEMINAR: Seminar/Sessions on All Three Campuses: M=March 6/7; C=March 20. RSVP to your selected campus according to the attached instructions.
EASTERN CAMPUS GQ week with a raffle for all MSIV participating students on Thu. Mar. 2 with a drawing on Mar. 2 at the Financial Planning seminar. To enter send the completion certificate at the end of the questionnaire to horstj@wvumedicine.org
EASTERN CAMPUS “PREPARING FINANCIALLY FOR RESIDENCY”: Eastern Campus schedule = Thu. Mar. 2, Group meeting at 10-12 followed by individual counseling sessions. Please make an individual appointment with judith.foss@wvumedicine.org Appointments begin at 12:30pm.
EASTERN MATCH DAY CELEBRATION - Please rsvp for Match Day at Eastern Campus. Friday, March 17th, at the Purple Iris, 11:30am. A great day to celebrate your achievements! Please rsvp to Judy Foss by March 8th to judith.foss@wvumedicine.org
MS3 Class of 2018
COA APPLICATION: Interested in serving on the SoM Committee on Admissions (COA)? Complete the attached application and send to Dr. Linda Nield by March 15.
GETTING TO RESIDENCY PART 1- The Paperwork (aka M4 Orientation): Mark your calendars – Monday, April 24, 4-6:30 pm, multi-campus presentation. ATTENDANCE REQUIRED. The first hour will be video conference with all three campuses. Please plan accordingly.
SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY: Interested in attending the POC Ultrasound conference? Dr. Minardi would like to take 3 students! If interested, contact him at jminardi@hsc.wvu.edu. The event is March 25th, Lake Buena Vista, Florida.
TUMOR BOARDS - Every Thursday, 8th Floor class room, 12:00 noon -1:00 pm. Different speakers and topics. Lunch provided.
Mar, 3-5 – Student Wellness Ski Weekend.
Mid-Terms- Mar. 10- Surgery and OB
Mid-Terms- Mar. 17- IM and Peds
Mid-Terms - Mar. 24- FM
Mar 31-April 1 - Eastern Faculty Development and Poster Session
April 24, 4-6 pm, GTR1. Multi Media Classroom. Mandatory for M3 students.
May 5th - OB/Gyn Practical Exam
May 12 - Sim Lab Trip to Morgantown
Spring Exams- Jun. 5-Jun 16, 2017.
SURGICAL MORBIDITY AND MORTALITY - Dates for M & M conferences for students in the Spring semester will be- Mar. 10-S. Kostelic, M. Matott, B. Pappa, April 14- (2 presentations) L. Rover, and T. Rutledge & A. Thiel and D. Yacoub.
PEDS GRAND ROUNDS is broadcast from Morgantown every Wednesday 8-9 am. The first Wednesday is at the board room on the 8th floor of BMC. The rest of the Wednesday is at the ED conference room in ED of BMC. If you are on a Pediatrics Week, please plan to attend.
JEFFERSON MEDICAL CENTER - Attending Physicians Schedule.
Mar. 6- 12- Dr. Zavala