January 24th 2017 - #17-04
SoM Community News and Happenings
The Masquerade Ball photo gallery is now posted for your viewing pleasure.
STUDENT ORGANIZATION HAPPENINGS: Check out this announcement link which contains the upcoming Student Organization activities. Remember to RSVP accordingly.
2nd ANNUAL ULTRAFEST: Saturday, April 22, 2017, 8A-3P…. keynote address, hands-on scanning with live models taught by clinicians trained in ultrasound, and some friendly competition with prizes! There is no prior ultrasound experience required. A $10 registration fee will include access to all sessions, breakfast, lunch, and a t-shirt! You can register as a team of 3 members to earn points throughout the day and compete for prizes. Register via this google form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSekwPZE5446XhcRI7Hw-Qq77FH_MBh2_viXiSp1RHmehGhjCw/viewform. Questions? wvu.usig@gmail.com
HSC TEACHING SCHOLARS PROGRAM SURVEY: Please consider completing the brief survey sent last week from StudentServicesMedicine on behalf of the HSC Teaching Scholars Program.
VAN LIERE RESEARCH DAY: March 23-24. Abstract submission deadline = February 20.
FAFSA FILING: WWW.FAFSA.ED.GOV . To be considered for maximum financial aid file by March 1st.
SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY: Family Medicine Foundation announce the application process for the Tully and ESP Scholarships (eligibility checklist) are now open. Deadline March 20. Questions? Johnna Gaunch.
Calendar | Office of Student Services | School of Medicine | WVU Health Sciences Center
GOLD HUMANISM WEEK – February 13-17, 2016.
CLASS OF 2017 MATCH WEEK: March 13-17. Match Day – March 17!!!
CLASS OF 2019 WHITE COAT CEREMONY: Saturday, March 18th, 10-1 pm, Morgantown Event Center.
HSC RESEARCH DAY – March 23-24, 2017.
AOA Day – March 24, 2017.
CLASS OF 2017 GRADUATION: Friday, May 12, 2017 6:00 pm, Creative Arts Center.
What’s Happening – Morgantown
This link contains the details of the Organization activities, listed here by date.
PATHOLOGY INTEREST GROUP Wednesday, Jan. 25th at noon in room 2165.
MEDICAL SPANISH CLUB first conversation Wednesday, Jan 25, 12 noon room 2116. First meeting Tuesday, Jan 31 noon room 1909.
MINDFUL PHYSICIANS (arts and humanities group) Thursday, Jan 26, noon, Erma Byrd 201.
SURGERY INTEREST GROUP Robotic Surgery Simulation workshop on the evening of Thurs, Jan 26 at 5pm.
EMERGENCY MEDICINE INTEREST GROUP Resident Panel Q&A with Code Black movie, 2/1, 5 pm, Room 1909.
PSYCHIATRY STUDENT INTEREST GROUP: Wednesday, Feb 1, noon, room 1909. Handling Grief as a Physician.
OPHTHALMOLOGY INTEREST GROUP: Thursday, February 2nd at 5:50 PM Eye Institute conference room on the 2nd floor. “Slit Lamp Workshop.”
PAIG: Pediatric and Adolescent Interest Group will be hosting a faculty spelling bee to raise money for the NICU on February 16 at 6:00 in the Okey Patteson Auditorium.
MS4 Class of 2017
GTR 4 powerpoint now posted in SOLE: StudentServicesInformation… Content, Career Planning, for your 24/7 review.
APPLY NOW FOR YOUR MAY DIPLOMA: The WVU online graduation application (required for your diploma) is now available through WVU Portal/STAR. Complete no later than February 6.
ONE-ON-ONE STUDENT LOAN DEBT MANAGEMENT COUNSELING from the Financial Aid HSC Office. Schedule a meeting to review your personalized student loan portfolio with repayment options by calling HSC Financial Aid, 304-293-3706.
SUBMIT YOUR GRADUATION FORMS to your Student Services Office - and remember to put your name at the top of BOTH forms. Deadline = February 6.
MS3 Class of 2018
"YES" to many of these questions? App Deadline = January 31st
- Do you want to train at a Pediatrics residency program with a nurturing learning environment and nationally and internationally recognized faculty?
- Do you want to acquire a great education and pass your Pediatrics Boards?
- Do you want to eventually practice in Almost Heaven or another rural area in need of your talent?
- Do you want to lower your student loan debt by at least $10,000?
- Do you want to save thousands of dollars on residency applications fees, housing accommodations and travel (estimated to be $6000.00 to $8000.00)?
- Do you want calm and peace of mind during your last year of medical school, knowing that you will attending the Pediatrics residency program of your choice?
Contact Dr. Emily Nease today!
M4 SCHEDULING MEETING: Monday January 30, 4:15-5:30 pm, Fukushima Aud. ATTENDANCE REQUIRED.
M4 SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIES: Remember to occasionally check out postings to the SOLE Academic Enrichment site where we will post non-WVU M4 fellowships/research, etc.
SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY for Family Medicine Commitment: The Pisacano Leadership Foundation (PLF). Deadline March 1st. Questions? Jane Ireland, 888-995-5700, etc. 1249.
MS2 Class of 2019
Monday, March 13, noon, lunch meeting, location tba. Ceremony information. All participants strongly encouraged to attend.
Friday, March 17, 3:30-4:30 pm, rehearsal Morgantown Event Center. All ceremony participants required to attend.
Saturday, March 18, 10-1 pm, Ceremony, Morgantown Event Center.
MS1 Class of 2020
HSC SUMMER EXTERNSHIP TRAFFIC DEADLINES: We are pleased to announce that all HSC summer externship programs will now follow these traffic deadlines: February 1 – programs post to SOLE; March 15 – program application deadlines; April 1 – student notifications sent via email. Check out the programs posted for this year in the SOLE: Academic Enrichment Opportunities Module.
NEED A WVU TRANSCRIPT? Need a WVU transcript for a summer experience application – Request Transcript online. Registrar hours at HSC 12:30-4 pm, room 1168-E (around the corner from Kavanaugh’s).
NEED A LETTER OF GOOD STANDING for a summer experience? Remember to submit the request and all details/deadlines to this email address, StudentServicesMedicine@hsc.wvu.edu .
What’s Happening – Charleston
MS4 Class of 2017
GTR 4 powerpoint now posted in SOLE: StudentServicesInformation… Content, Career Planning, for your 24/7 review.
APPLY NOW FOR YOUR MAY DIPLOMA: The WVU online graduation application (required for your diploma) is now available through WVU Portal/STAR. Complete no later than February 6.
SUBMIT YOUR GRADUATION FORMS to your Student Services Office - and remember to put your name at the top of BOTH forms. Deadline = February 6.
MS3 Class of 2018
REQUIRED CLASS MEETING re: M4 Scheduling. Friday, Feb 3, noon, 4th floor.
"YES" to many of these questions? App Deadline = January 31st
- Do you want to train at a Pediatrics residency program with a nurturing learning environment and nationally and internationally recognized faculty?
- Do you want to acquire a great education and pass your Pediatrics Boards?
- Do you want to eventually practice in Almost Heaven or another rural area in need of your talent?
- Do you want to lower your student loan debt by at least $10,000?
- Do you want to save thousands of dollars on residency applications fees, housing accommodations and travel (estimated to be $6000.00 to $8000.00)?
- Do you want calm and peace of mind during your last year of medical school, knowing that you will attending the Pediatrics residency program of your choice?
Contact Dr. Emily Nease today!
M4 SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIES: Remember to occasionally check out postings to the SOLE Academic Enrichment site where we will post non-WVU M4 fellowships/research, etc.
SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY for Family Medicine Commitment: The Pisacano Leadership Foundation (PLF). Deadline March 1st. Questions? Jane Ireland, 888-995-5700, etc. 1249.
What’s Happening – Eastern
ID Journal Club- TU. Jan. 24, 5:30pm-7:00pm, 8th floor classroom. Speaker, Matthew Simmons, MD. Topic-“Clinical Procedure and Guidelines for the treatment of Acute Uncomplicated cystitis and Pyelonephritis.
ABSTRACT DEADLINE APPROACHING: BUILD YOUR CV, Participate in a Research Project, Case Study or Team Project! Research day/weekend will be Friday March 31st and Saturday April 1st. Here is the site: http://www.hsc.wvu.edu/eastern-campus/eastern-academics-and-programs/pharmacy/abstract-submissions Abstract Submission are due by Monday, 2/6/17.
COMMUNITY SERVICE OPPORTUNITY: Berkeley Medical Center Health Promotions is planning the Truffle Shuffle 5k for April 29 in downtown Martinsburg. Last year at least 1 med student came to work a first aid station at the finish. Would we be able to get 1-2 med students again this year? If you can volunteer contact 304-264-1287, ext 31814
COMMUNITY SERVICE OPPORTUNITY: Volunteers needed to assist with spring Health Fairs sponsored by Shepherd School of Nursing. Tentative dates- Feb. 16 and Thu. Mar. 30th. Contact Cara Burker for more information.
COMMUNITY SERVICE OPPORTUNITY: “Choices” in cooperation with the Shepherd Nursing Students. At Shenandoah Community Health Center, Sat. 2/18. Students are being asked to present on one of the following topics for diabetic patients, eye care, dental care, diabetic foot care and issues, and possibly perform foot exams assisted by nursing students. Time TBA, but this health class would be about 2 to 2.5 hours. Contact Cara Burker, 304-876-5789.
COLLEGE OF SURGEONS meeting opportunity - The West Virginia Chapter American College of Surgeons is pleased to announce that they will again sponsor medical students’ attendance at the 2017 Annual Meeting May 11, 12, 13 at The Greenbrier in White Sulphur Springs, WV. Email Eastern Student Services if you are interested.
STEPPING STONES: Volunteers needed - Street Rounds- Tu. Immanuel’s House, Mon. reserve a time wvusteppingstones@gmail.com
MS4 Class of 2017
GTR 4 powerpoint now posted in SOLE: StudentServicesInformation… Content, Career Planning, for your 24/7 review.
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SEMINAR. Mark your calendar - Thu. Mar. 2, Group meeting at 10-12 followed by individual counseling sessions. You can meet with Eric regarding student loan counseling, or with financial planner John Bonasso for long term financial planning, including insurance coverage, taxes, investments, and retirement. Please make an individual appointment with judith.foss@wvumedicine.org Appointments begin at 12:30pm.
APPLY NOW FOR YOUR MAY DIPLOMA: The WVU online graduation application (required for your diploma) is now available through WVU Portal/STAR. Complete no later than February 6.
SUBMIT YOUR GRADUATION FORMS to your Student Services Office - and remember to put your name at the top of BOTH forms. Deadline = February 6.
MS3 Class of 2018
"YES" to many of these questions? App Deadline = January 31st
- Do you want to train at a Pediatrics residency program with a nurturing learning environment and nationally and internationally recognized faculty?
- Do you want to acquire a great education and pass your Pediatrics Boards?
- Do you want to eventually practice in Almost Heaven or another rural area in need of your talent?
- Do you want to lower your student loan debt by at least $10,000?
- Do you want to save thousands of dollars on residency applications fees, housing accommodations and travel (estimated to be $6000.00 to $8000.00)?
- Do you want calm and peace of mind during your last year of medical school, knowing that you will attending the Pediatrics residency program of your choice?
Contact Dr. Emily Nease today!
M4 SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIES: Remember to occasionally check out postings to the SOLE Academic Enrichment site where we will post non-WVU M4 fellowships/research, etc.
PHYSICIAN SYMPOSIUM -“The Case for Hospital Palliative Care”-Wed. Jan. 25th, Holiday Inn, Martinsburg, registration 5:30pm, SPEAKER: Alvin H. Moss, MD, FACP, FAAHPM. To register please call 304-264-1246.
SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY for Family Medicine Commitment: The Pisacano Leadership Foundation (PLF). Deadline March 1st. Questions? Jane Ireland, 888-995-5700, etc. 1249.
TUMOR BOARDS - Every Thursday, 8th Floor class room, 12:00 noon -1:00 pm. Different speakers and topics. Lunch provided.
Feb 6 - Abstract Proposal deadline for Eastern Division Poster Session and Faculty Development Session.
Mar, 3-5 – Student Wellness Ski Weekend.
Mid-Terms- Mar. 10- Surgery and OB
Mid-Terms- Mar. 17- IM and Peds
Mid-Terms - Mar. 24- FM
Mar 31-April 1 - Eastern Faculty Development and Poster Session
May 5th - OB/Gyn Practical Exam
May 12 - Sim Lab Trip to Morgantown
Spring Exams- Jun. 5-Jun 16, 2017.
Surgical Morbidity and Mortality- Dates for M & M conferences for students in the Spring semester will be- Feb. 10 (2 presentations), Mar. 10 (no presentation), April 14 (2 presentations), and May 12th(no M&M).
PEDS GRAND ROUNDS is broadcast from Morgantown every Wednesday 8-9 am. The first Wednesday is at the board room on the 8th floor of BMC. The rest of the Wednesday is at the ED conference room in ED of BMC. If you are on a Pediatrics Week, please plan to attend.
JEFFERSON MEDICAL CENTER - Attending Physicians Schedule.
Jan. 23-29 - Dr. McLaughlin
Jan. 30 - Dr. Oglesby