July 4th, 2017 - #17-27
SoM Community News and Happenings
FALL TUITION payment expected to your account by July 26.
The Fall 2017 Student Health Insurance Waiver deadline is July 26th. Student Insurance Office. 304-293-6815. EVERY STUDENT is automatically enrolled in the University Insurance plan and assessed in the Fall tuition UNLESS a waiver has been submitted and approved by the deadline.
STUDENT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for Annual Pre-Med Workshop held on Saturday, August 19th at the HSC. Help needed for student panel discussion and tour of medical school. If interested, please e-mail Lauren Wamsley at lwamsle2@hsc.wvu.edu for more information.
STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS FAIR meeting, July 17, 2017 at 12:00 p.m. WV Room. Please complete and bring these documents. Any questions contact Cheryl @ 304/293-2408. All Organization Presidents and/or Representatives are asked to attend the meeting. If you have any ideas for this year’s Fair please bring them to the meeting. Please e-mail Cheryl or call (304-293-4300) with any question. This year’s Theme: “Stay Connected”.
STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS FAIR Thursday, August 10, 2017 in the afternoon. Tour Guides are NEEDED. Cheryl. School Service hours available!
BACK TO SCHOOL BASH! Mark your calendars now! The Gold Humanism Honorary Society will again host this year’s Back to School Bash! Friday, August 18, Krepps Park, 5-7 pm. ALL STUDENTS…. ALL CAMPUSES… invited.
STUDENT ORGANIZATION FAIR: Thursday, August 10, 2017 pm
BACK TO SCHOOL BASH! Friday, August 18, 2017.
What’s Happening – Morgantown
This link contains the details of the Organization activities, listed here by date.
MS4 Class of 2018
May 11-13, 2018 - Class of 2018 MD Investiture Ceremony
MS3 Class of 2019
NUTRITION SURVEY Please find 10 minutes of time to do this brief IRB approved survey:
MD HANDBOOK in SOLE provides all policies pertinent to M3 clerkships, eg dress, absence, testing.
BLOCK 1 CLINICAL SKILLS WORKSHOP: Monday, July 31, 1:00 pm. Attendance Required. Mark your calendars. Details will come soon from WV Steps
MS2 Class of 2020
CULINARY MEDICINE INTEREST GROUP officers needed. Email Kathryn Baker by Saturday, July 8.
CCMD 788 Selective Experiences FOLIO reflections deadline August 1st.
MS1 Class of 2021
- Friday, August 11, bus trips to Charleston/Eastern campuses. Details in Doc is In.
- Saturday, August 12, 3:00 pm Family Orientation and Oath Ceremony. Details in Doc is In.
- Monday, August 14, lunch picnic with the second year class. More information to come.
- Friday, August 18, Annual Back to School Bash, 5:00 pm, Krepps Park, sponsored by Alpha Omega Alpha.
What’s Happening – Charleston
HARM REDUCTION CLINIC: Wednesdays, 10-3:30. Kanawha Charleston Health Dept. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1POrU5dCdrwCu7AqtV82EBUSqh3P2u0DTEOvVC5CdEdQ/edit#gid=0.
MS4 Class of 2018
May 11-13, 2018 – Class of 2018 MD Investiture Ceremony.
MS3 Class of 2019
NUTRITION SURVEY Please find 10 minutes of time to do this brief IRB approved survey:
MD HANDBOOK in SOLE provides all policies pertinent to M3 clerkships, eg dress, absence, testing.
BOOTCAMP presentations being loaded into SOLE: StudentServicesInfo. The class will be emailed when complete.
What’s Happening – Eastern
COMMUNITY SERVICE – Dr. Mark Cucuzzella and Dr. Ryan McCarthy will be conducting physicals for the Middle School Cross Country on Tues., Aug. 22nd, 6-8pm, at North Middle School in Martinsburg. Need medical students to assist with physicals and distribute HPV information. If you are interested in assisting, please contact the Eastern Student Services office: 304-596-6312.
STEPPING STONES: Volunteers needed - Street Rounds- Tu. Immanuel’s House, Mon. reserve a time wvusteppingstones@gmail.com .
PEDS GRAND ROUNDS is broadcast from Morgantown every Wednesday 8-9 am. The first Wednesday is at the board room on the 8th floor of BMC. Remaining sessions held at the ED conference room in ED of BMC. If you are on a Pediatrics Week, please plan to attend.
TUMOR BOARDS - Every Thursday, 8th Floor class room, 12:00 noon -1:00 pm. Different speakers and topics. Lunch provided.
OB/Gyn M & M – Thur., July 6th, 5:30pm, in the Multimedia Classroom at the Eastern HSC. Topic: Intrauterine Fetal Demise. Dinner will be provided. Please advise Betsy Gambino (bgambino@wvumedicine.org or 304-264-1246) if you plan to attend.
MS4 Class of 2018
STUDENTS ON MORGANTOWN ROTATIONS IN JULY: You will be sent your housing information this week. Please pay attention to your email.
ERAS PREP – Please start working on your personal statements and be thinking about your writers for letters of recommendation. You will be contacted for appointments to meet with Dr. Cannarella.
May 11-13, 2018 – Class of 2018 MD Investiture Ceremony.
MS3 Class of 2019
NUTRITION SURVEY Please find 10 minutes of time to do this brief IRB approved survey:
MD HANDBOOK in SOLE provides all policies pertinent to M3 clerkships, eg dress, absence, testing.
“BOOT CAMP” is completed and you have officially launched into your rotations. If you have questions/concerns at any time, please contact the Eastern Student Services office: 304-596-6312.
FRIDAY EDUCATION: The schedule is posted in SOLE for the Fall semester. This is a tentative schedule, subject to change based on speaker availability. You will be notified via email of changes in schedule.
COMMUNITY SERVICE – Dr. Mark Cucuzzella and Dr. Ryan McCarthy will be conducting physicals for the Middle School Cross Country on Tues., Aug. 22nd, 6-8pm, at North Middle School in Martinsburg. Need medical students to assist with physicals and distribute HPV information. If you are interested in assisting, please contact the Eastern Student Services office: 304-596-6312.
Jefferson Medical Center- Attending Physicians:
July 1-2: Dr. Feaga
July 3-9: Dr. Cucuzzella
July 10-16: Dr. Zavala
July 17-20: Dr. Cherry
July 21-23: Dr. Feaga
July 24-30: Dr. McLaughlin
July 31: Dr. Baltierra