September 5th 2017 - #17-36
SoM Community News and Happenings
CONSTITUTION DAY COMPETITION! Want to make $50? In 2004, former WV Senator Robert C. Byrd pushed for Congress to establish Constitution Day and require publicly funded schools to provide educational programs to help students better understand the Constitution. Dr. Ferrari is offering $50 to the first student to read the Constitution Day Modules on the Student Services Information SOLE Page AND receive a 100% on the Exam. The Exam will open at 12 am on Constitution Day. You will have two attempts. The modules are located under Site Content and the Exam can be found under Assessments. Or, type “Constitution” into the SOLE search bar. Good luck!
WVU HEALTHCARE SIMULATION WEEK 2017. Recognition of Simulation Education Week will begin Tuesday, September 12th through Friday, September 15. Tours are open to the public and run every 30 minutes in the afternoon each day, beginning at the Pylons.
SCHOOL OF MEDICINE MD TAILGATE! Mark your calendar and watch for official evite requesting your RSVP. Saturday, October 14, you +1 invited as our guest. Extra tickets available $20.00 each. Start time 3 hours prior to kickoff.
HAVE YOU MET LUCAS? Student Services on Morgantown campus has a therapy dog named Lucas! Check out his schedule and come visit. MWF he’ll be in the VP’s office from 8-1 pm and then in the Student Services Office from 1-4 pm.
GLOBAL HEALTH WEEK. Save the date! Global Health Week is taking place from September 25-29. The lectures will take place from 12:00-12:50. Contact Suti Kapoor at by September 15, 2017 with the Day or Day (s) you are attending, so lunch arrangements can be made accordingly.
MOUNTAINEER WEEK AWARDS. 2017 Mountaineer Week award applications are now available online. Mr. and Ms. Mountaineer is open to any student graduating in May 2018. This application is available at: The Most Loyal awards go to the Most Loyal West Virginian, Most Loyal Faculty, Most Loyal Staff, and Most Loyal Alumni. This nomination form is available at:
FALL SERVICE FAIR. The VP Office is partnering with the WVU Center for Service and Learning to host a Fall Service Fair at HSC on September 26th from 11:00 am – 2:00 in the Pylons.
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY. Office of Accessibility Services needs students to serve as Peer Notetakers for students receiving notetaking accommodations in their current classes. Notetakers will independently and anonymously take notes in their class and upload them to SAMM, the Office of Accessibility Services accommodation management database. The students who receive the notes then download them to their own devices. To be a Peer Notetaker, respond to the need through iServe, and complete the OAS Notetaker Training course. You can receive up to 15 service hours per course that you take notes for (plus an additional hour for the training) and/or a letter of recommendation for every course you take notes for. You may be a notetaker in as many classes you’d like as long as there is a need in your class. For more information, visit: or contact August Campbell 304-293-6700.
WVU SAFE Clinic Yankee Candle Fundraiser! Support your local free clinic with the purchase of a Yankee Candle. Order by October 15th for Thanksgiving delivery. Order online at www.yankeecandlefundraising.comwith Group # 990105962. Go to website and enter group # at bottom of homepage.
LGBTQ ADVOCACY & INCLUSION WEEK INVITATION: October 23rd - 27th - daily noon lectures, multiple Grand Rounds Speakers, and evening events during the week. We have confirmed nationally prominent speakers including the Educational Director from Fenway Health in Boston. The week is being organized by volunteers in the Departments of Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, and Plastic Surgery, the WVU SOM SHAPE group, and the WVU LGBTQ+ Center.
DECEMBER COMMENCEMENT: December, 15, 2017 @2pm
CLASS OF 2018 Match Day: March 16, 2018.
CLASS OF 2018 GRADUATION WEEKEND: May 11-13, 2018.
What’s Happening – Morgantown
This link contains the details of the Organization activities, listed here by date.
OF THE MINDFUL PHYSICIAN Sept. 6, Noon, G119B; Sept. 11, 5 pm G119A 5 pm; Sept 13 5pm, G119A; Sept. 28, noon 7608 HSCN.WILDERNESS MEDICINE INTEREST GROUP Thursday, September 7, noon, Room 1107.
AMWA Thursday, September 7, 1909 HSCN noon.
SPORTS MEDICINE INTEREST GROUP Thursday, September 7, 1107 HSCN noon.
MEDICAL SPANISH ASSOCIATION Thursday, September 7, Noon, Room HSS-H; G252F
EMERGENCY MEDICINE INTEREST GROUP Friday, September 8, Noon, Room 1106
STUDENTS FOR GLOBAL HEALTH Tuesday, September 12, Noon, Room 1107-HSCN
PSYCHIATRY INTEREST GROUP Tuesday, September 12, Noon, Room G119B
MS4 Class of 2018
The STEPS center is looking for student volunteers (community service eligible) to help train Male Urologic Exam via teaching associates (MUTAS), who to teach the inguinal, penile, testicular, and prostate exam to students in groups of 4 in one of the exam rooms at STEPS. If interested, please contact Dr. Lee Ann Miller at
FALL SERVICE FAIR. The VP Office is partnering with the WVU Center for Service and Learning to host a Fall Service Fair at HSC on September 26th from 11:00 am – 2:00 in the Pylons.
GTR3: RSVP as below for your chosen date/campus, your desired residency, and include your CV/personal statement.
Charleston Campus: Tuesday, October 17th 11:00am-3:00pm. Register by September 22nd to Charissa
LAST CALL - Morgantown Campus: Monday, September 18 2-6; or Friday, October 6, 2-6 pm.
Eastern Campus: Interviews by appointment. Contact Michelle Alder ( to schedule
MS3 Class of 2019
The STEPS center is looking for student volunteers (community service eligible) to help train Male Urologic Exam via teaching associates (MUTAS), who to teach the inguinal, penile, testicular, and prostate exam to students in groups of 4 in one of the exam rooms at STEPS. If interested, please contact Dr. Lee Ann Miller at
FALL SERVICE FAIR. The VP Office is partnering with the WVU Center for Service and Learning to host a Fall Service Fair at HSC on September 26th from 11:00 am – 2:00 in the Pylons.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Getting to Residency (GTR) 0.5, Friday, October 20, after exams; all campuses - the beginning of your focused drive toward residency. ATTENDANCE REQUIRED.
MS2 Class of 2020
PROFESSIONAL & CAREER DEVELOPMENT (P&CD) 2.0 WEDNESDAY, September 6, 3-7 pm, 2118-HSCN. Questions? Pam Carico
FALL SERVICE FAIR. The VP Office is partnering with the WVU Center for Service and Learning to host a Fall Service Fair at HSC on September 26th from 11:00 am – 2:00 in the Pylons.
FUTURE EASTERN STUDENTS. Dinner Meeting for Eastern Campus MSI and MSII students: Mon., Sept. 25th, Room G119A, 4:00-7:00pm. OR Mon., Oct. 30th, Room G119A, 4:00-7:00pm. An opportunity to meet your campus classmates, the Eastern Student Services Deans, and some of our current students on rotation in Martinsburg.
MS1 Class of 2021
CLASS ELECTION UPDATE Congratulations to President, Alexandra Van Horn; Vice President, Emily Ernest; Treasurer, Marlon Bello; Wellness Chair, Fredrick Timbrook; Academic Council, Noelle Lemons, Tyler Groves, Sundus Lateef, Natasha Yousaf, Jasmin Tharakan, and Landon Simpson.
FALL SERVICE FAIR. The VP Office is partnering with the WVU Center for Service and Learning to host a Fall Service Fair at HSC on September 26th from 11:00 am – 2:00 in the Pylons.
FUTURE EASTERN STUDENTS. Dinner Meeting for Eastern Campus MSI and MSII students: Mon., Sept. 25th, Room G119A, 4:00-7:00pm. OR Mon., Oct. 30th, Room G119A, 4:00-7:00pm. An opportunity to meet your campus classmates, the Eastern Student Services Deans, and some of our current students on rotation in Martinsburg.
What’s Happening – Charleston
HARM REDUCTION CLINIC: Wednesdays, 10-3:30. Kanawha Charleston Health Dept.
MS4 Class of 2018
GTR3: RSVP as below for your chosen date/campus, your desired residency, and include your CV/personal statement. Charleston Campus: Tuesday, October 17th 11:00am-3:00pm. Register by September 22nd to Charissa LAST CALL - Morgantown Campus: Monday, September 18 2-6; or Friday, October 6, 2-6 pm.Eastern Campus: Interviews by appointment. Contact Michelle Alder to schedule
MS3 Class of 2019
MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Getting to Residency (GTR) 0.5, Friday, October 20, after exams; all campuses - the beginning of your focused drive toward residency. ATTENDANCE REQUIRED.
What’s Happening – Eastern
TUMOR BOARD - Every Thursday, 8th Floor Classroom, 12:00-1:00pm. Different speakers and topics. Lunch provided.
PEDS GRAND ROUNDS is broadcast from Morgantown every Wednesday 8-9 am. The first Wednesday is at the board room on the 8th floor of BMC. Remaining sessions held at the ED conference room in ED of BMC. If you are on a Pediatrics Week, please plan to attend.
SURGICAL M & M – Fri., Sept. 8th, 7:30-8:30am, in the BMC 8th Floor Classroom. Student Presenters: Cesarina Saldana and Puja Patel. *Please contact Dr. Johnson ( for case assignment.*
EASTERN PANHANDLE MEDICAL SOCIETY (EPMS) – Wed., Sept. 13th, at Holiday Inn-Martinsburg. Registration: 5:30pm; Lecture: 6:00pm. Topic: “The Road to Pediatric Hand Transplantation”. Speaker: Scott Kozin, MD, from Shriners Hospital. Dinner provided. RSVP by Sept. 11th to Carol Joseph, 304-671-3837.
POSTER SESSION. Hal Wanger Family Medicine Conference Poster Session – Thur., Sept. 14th, Holiday Inn-Pineview Drive, Morgantown.
TAILGATE in Morgantown – Oct. 14th, 2017. Details TBA.
WELLNESS EVENT. Halloween Bowling/Billiards Student Wellness Event – Fr., Oct. 27th, 6-8pm, at Shepherd University’s Student Center GameZone. Dinner provided. Come in costume for extra fun!
SCHOOL OF MEDICINE ADMISSIONS COMMITTEE INTERVIEWS- Wed. Sept. 6th from 10:00 3:00pm. Interviewees will be on campus and touring the hospital.
COMMUNITY MINI-MED SCHOOL – Tues., Sept. 19th, in Eastern HSC Auditorium. Lectures: 6:30pm, “Eastern Pylons History of Discovery of the X-ray” presented by T. Chris Alewine, MD, Radiologist at JMC; 7:00pm, “What is Prostate Cancer?” presented by Eric Whitman, MD, Urologist at University Urology Associates.
HALLOWEEN BOWLING/BILLIARDS Student Wellness Event – Fri., Oct. 27th, 6-8pm, at Shepherd University’s Student Center GameZone. Dinner provided. Come in costume for extra fun!
MS4 Class of 2018
GTR PART 3. Getting to Residency Part 3-The Interview! – Interviews held by appointment. Please contact Michelle Alder ( to schedule.
MATCH DAY. Class of 2018 Match Day – Mar. 16th, 2018, at Purple Iris. Mark your calendars. Additional details TBA.
GRADUATION. Class of 2018 Graduation Weekend – May 11-13, 2018. Mark your calendars. Additional details TBA.
MS3 Class of 2019
MARK YOUR CALENDARS – Getting to Residency (GTR) 0.5, Friday, Oct. 20th, after Morgantown exams. Specific time TBA. All campuses – the beginning of your focused drive toward residency. ATTENDANCE REQUIRED.
FRIDAY EDUCATION. Schedule is posted in SOLE for the Fall semester. This is a tentative schedule, subject to change based on speaker availability. You will be notified via email of changes in schedule.
OR Lockers – 9 additional lockers are being installed in both the men’s and women’s OR locker rooms to provide additional storage space for staff and students.
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY– Healthy Bodies Healthy Spirits & Try This Regional Gathering-Berkeley and Jefferson County, Wed., Sept. 27th, 9:00am-3:30pm, at New Life Community Church (4102 Tabler Station Road, Inwood). Free event bringing interested people together to explore regional opportunities for healthy living. Lunch provided. Pre-registration required by Sept. 20th – or call 304-582-5948.
COMMUNITY SERVICE ACTIVITY – Suture Lab – Wed. Sept. 6th, 6:00-8:00pm. Health Science Center, Mountaineer Room. Medical Students needed to assist with Suture Lab for High School HSTA students. HSTA Director is would like a brief lesson followed by hands on suturing experiences. If you can volunteer, please email Judy Foss at 4 volunteers needed.
COMMUNITY SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES – Fall CHOICES program sponsored by Shepherd University is looking for medical student volunteers for several events. Grant-funded, interdisciplinary educational program to assist community members who have diabetic/metabolic health issues with making proper food choices. Thur., Oct. 5th, 9:00am-4:00pm: Exercise Assessments and fitness programming at SVMS Tues., Oct. 10th, 4:00pm-7:00pm: Dining with Diabetes at Shepherd University Dining Hall (help with food prep and education to patients)
Additional events TBA. Please contact the project coordinator, Cara Burker, MSN, RN, at 304-876-5789 or to volunteer.
OB/Gyn: Fri., Sept. 8th, 9-10-:30am (SOLE)
IM Quiz #1: Fri., Sept. 8th, 9-10am (PAPER)
PEDS: Fri., Sept. 15th, 9-11am (SOLE)
SURGERY: Fri., Sept. 15th, 9-11am (SOLE)
FAMILY MED Midterm Review: Fri., Sept. 22nd, 10am-12pm
Jefferson Medical Center- Attending Physicians:
Aug. 21-27: Dr. Cherry
Aug. 28-31: Dr. Baltierra
Sept. 1-6: Dr. Baltierra
Sept. 7-13: Dr. Cucuzzella
Sept. 14-19: Dr. Feaga