February 9th 2016 - #16-6

SoM Community News and Happenings

SCHOLARSHIP OFFERINGS FOR 2016-2017:  Seelinger Scholarship $4,000 each, deadline March 1stLewis Scholarship, deadline March 1st.  Health Plan Scholarship, deadline May 1st. 

ORTHOPEDIC RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY: Bingyun Li, PhD, in the Department of Orthopedics is currently seeking 3-4 student research assistants for the remaining spring semester.  The positions are paid and students must be U.S. citizens.  The positions are available immediately.  The research focuses on synthesizing nanomaterials and related characterizations.  If you are interested, please contact Dr. Li at bili@hsc.wvu.edu or (304) 293-1075.  More information provided on the Academic Enrichment SOLE site.

GOLD HUMANISM WEEK!  February 15-19.  Along with a daily noon lecture series with lunch provided for the first 50 people, we will be packaging Gifts of Gold from donations from the Class of 2016 as care packages for the homeless of Morgantown.  All are welcome for this community service project Monday, February 15th at 6pm in the Student Lounge.  Hope to see you there!  Questions? Katie Seachrist.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED:  We are in need of a few volunteers to help set up lunches for Gold Humanism Week, Feb 15-19. This should be an easy opportunity to earn some community service hours, and we could really use the help. Lectures will take place in room 1905 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, and Wednesday’s lecture will be in 1909. We’ll begin setting up the food around 11:45.  Sign up here.  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uVpLsvraanMfsReWCUesqyuOObdYKrD4-V5CpgYVqD8/edit#gid=0

STUDENT VETERAN OPEN HOUSE:  Tuesday, February 16, 4-5:30 pm, Downtown Campus Library. 

CONNECT WITH CLAY:  Wednesday, Feb 17, 12-1.  President Gee speaking.

HSC IPE SPEAKER 2/24/2016. 

WELLNESS EVENT – CHARLESTON – ALL STUDENTS INVITED:  Student Services in Charleston will be sponsoring an Uncork and Create event on Friday March 4, from 6:30 to 8:30PM.  Seating is limited. Tickets are $5.00 each and can be picked up in Student Services.  Ticket purchase deadline is February 19, 2016.  You must pay and pick up your tickets BEFORE FEBRUARY 19, 2016. Questions Dr. Rachael Trout, 304-347-1254.

WELLNESS – EASTERN CAMPUS – ALL STUDENTS INVITED.  March 4,5,6 Ski Weekend.  Questions?  Joe Smoot.  

1st Annual WVU Ultrafest! April 2, 2016 - Registration now open, no ultrasound experience required, $10 per person, click here to register, please register by March 15, 2016. Check-in and breakfast begin at 7:30 AM in the pylons lobby, the day will conclude with a friendly ultrasound competition around 5:00 PM (Participation in the competition part of the event is optional but strongly encouraged, find a team of 3! Prizes will be awarded to the top two teams!) Registration gets you access to a full day of hands on ultrasound learning, breakfast, lunch, and a WVU Ultrafest t-shirt! Direct any questions to wvu.usig@gmail.com.

PROJECT REACH a trip to the Chocolate Festival in Ripley, WV! March 19 from 10AM-4PM at Ripley Elementary School and will be a great opportunity to reach out to a rural community in WV while earning community service hours.  While there, we will be talking to members of the community about healthy diet and activity, taking blood pressures, and giving out informational hand-outs. The drive there is approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes so we would be leaving Lot 81 at 7:30AM and returning around 6:30PM.  If you are interested please email me (jbaker32@mix.wvu.edu) and also include if you would be willing to drive (you will be compensated for gas!). If you are able to come please remember to bring your name tag, stethoscope, and blood pressure cuff (if you have one). 

SCHOOL OF MEDICINE ANNUAL TALENT SHOW! Monday, March 21 at 6:30 PM in Okey Patteson Auditorium. You can get community service hours as a performer or as a volunteer, and we are currently in need of both! Please follow these links and sign up if you'd like to perform or volunteer to help run the show.  Tickets may be purchased in the student services office from Kim Helmick for $5, or at the door on the day of the event for $7. All proceeds will go to the WVU Children's Hospital.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at jvswearingen@mix.wvu.edu.

THE ARNOLD P. GOLD FOUNDATION ESSAY CONTEST:  Winning essays receive a cash award and the top three essays are published in Academic Medicine, the journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). The 2016 application and instructions are available on our website now. http://humanism-in-medicine.org/programs/student-opportunities/essay-contest/ .  Deadline March 25. 


Calendar | Office of Student Services | School of Medicine | WVU Health Sciences Center

Gold Humanism Week:  February 15-19, 2016. 
WELLNESS – CHARLESTON CAMPUS:  March 4, Uncork and Create.
WELLNESS – EASTERN CAMPUS:  March 4, 5, 6 Ski Weekend.
CLASS OF 2016 MATCH WEEK:  March 14-18, 2016.
CLASS OF 2018 WHITE COAT CEREMONY:  Saturday, March 19, 10-1 pm, Morgantown Event Center.
ANNUAL TALENT SHOW! Monday, March 21, 2016; 6:30pm, Okey Patteson Auditorium. 
AOA Day:  Friday, April 1, 2016.
GRADUATION WEEKEND CLASS OF 2016:  MaY 13-15, 2016. 

What’s Happening – Morgantown

ORTHOPEDICS INTEREST GROUP FIRST MEETING featuring WVU Orthopedic Chair Dr. Emery next Thursday February 18th at noon in room 1107

RADIOLOGY INTEREST GROUP:  Friday 2/12 Room 1107 at 12PM.  Dr. Christopher Watson will be discussing Radiation Oncology.     RSVP by tomorrow, Wednesday to Mark Kenamond or Lukas Meadow for lunch.

RURAL HEALTH INTEREST GROUP meeting:  Wednesday, Feb 17, noon, Okey Patteson Auditorium.  “Diabetes in Rural WV”.  Dr. Ponte.  RSVP for lunch by Feb 10.  absheppard@hsc.wvu.edu .

WVU MED SOCCER CLUB is hosting a meeting on Wednesday February 10th 12:30-1:00pm in Rm 1905. Please attend if interested in coaching U8/U9 soccer this spring. Food will be provided. Please RSVP to wvumedsoccer@gmail.com

MS4 Class of 2016

GRADUATION QUESTIONNAIRE (GQ) opens to all graduating students Feb 14 from the AAMC.  Your participation in this very significant national survey is greatly appreciated by the School leadership.  The week of February 15 is the Morgantown Campus GQ Week at which time we recognize your participation with gifts selected through the drawing of all survey participants.  Watch for detailed email on how you can be a part of the celebration!  Keep a copy of your survey confirmation. 

STEP 2 CS SCORES:  Remember as the last CS scores are posted, you have to go into ERAS and “release” the scores, even though you had previously “authorized” the scores. 

ANNOUNCING THE 2016 “PREPARING FINANCIALLY FOR RESIDENCY” SEMINAR for ALL MAY GRADUATES!  Seminar/Sessions on All Three Campuses:  M=March 7/8; E=March 10; C=March 21. ALL MAY GRADUATES are encouraged to attend as able at the most convenient campus and date.  Those unable to attend will be able to set one-on-one follow-up sessions with Eric Meadows.    Watch for specific email with details. 

CLASS EMAIL UPDATE & VOTE:  Remember to vote through the SOLE link in Friday’s email for your class graduation representative. 

COMMUNITY SERVICE through WV Steps by attending a 90 minute GTA session similar to the one you experienced as an M2.  Interested?  Lea Ann Miller.


NRMP Rank Order List (R3) NRMP Matching Algorithm Tutorial.  ALWAYS certify your list.  NEVER leave a list uncertified – especially after making changes. 

MS3 Class of 2017

STEP 2 APPLICATION:  Begin application process soon so as to be ready for scheduling your date no later than June 15. 

LAST CALL - SURGERY MEETING SUPPORT:  Richard A. Vaughan MD Scholarship for funding to attend the WV Chapter Meeting of the American College of Surgeons meeting in May.  Application deadline = February 15.  Questions?  Alan Thomay, MD.  

GETTING TO RESIDENCY PART 1- The Paperwork (aka M4 Orientation):  Mark your calendars – Friday, April 22nd, afternoon, multi-campus presentation. 

MS2 Class of 2018

EASTERN BASED M2 STUDENTS:  Third Year Scheduling meeting February 22, 4:30 pm.  Mark your calendars and watch for more information. 

CHARLESTON BASED M2 STUDENTS:  An informal meet and greet with current Charleston Division M3 & M4 students will be held at the Waterfront Hotel, Tuesday, March 22, 2016 a 5:00 PM.  Dinner provided.  Please mark your calendars.  Attendance is expected.  Watch your email for more information.

WHITE COAT CEREMONY INFORMATION & DATES: March 14 noon – White Coat meeting; March 18 3-4 pm – White Coat Rehearsal; March 19, 10 am CEREMONY. 

EASTERN OPEN HOUSE for M2 students is now scheduled for Friday, Mar. 25th, 9:30am to 3:00pm. 

MS1 Class of 2019

EASTERN OPEN HOUSE:  Save the Date.  April 9, 2016.  8:00am to 1:30pm. 

What’s Happening – Charleston

KANAWHA COUNTY HARM REDUCTION CLINIC SUPPLY DRIVE!!   Container 3rd floor lounge - cotton balls, brown paper bags, alcohol swabs, tourniquets, laundry and fabric softener containers (rinsed and dried out). Questions?  Michelle Raney or Blair Saul .

CHASM starts the Sojourner’s Women’s Shelter.  If you haven't already, please review the CHASM volunteer modules on the CHASM website.  http://medicine.hsc.wvu.edu/charleston/student-services/chasm/.  Sign-up by emailing me at cmpaluskievicz@mix.wvu.edu.

MS4 Class of 2016

ANNOUNCING THE 2016 “PREPARING FINANCIALLY FOR RESIDENCY” SEMINAR for ALL MAY GRADUATES!  Seminar/Sessions on All Three Campuses:  M=March 7/8; E=March 10; C=March 21. ALL MAY GRADUATES are encouraged to attend as able at the most convenient campus and date.  Those unable to attend will be able to set one-on-one follow-up sessions with Eric Meadows.    Watch for specific email with details. 

STEP 2 CS SCORES:  Remember as the last CS scores are posted, you have to go into ERAS and “release” the scores, even though you had previously “authorized” the scores. 

CLASS EMAIL UPDATE & VOTE:  Remember to vote through the SOLE link in Friday’s email for your class graduation representative. 


NRMP Rank Order List (R3) NRMP Matching Algorithm Tutorial.  entered and before Feb. 22nd.  (Deadline  Feb. 24)  ALWAYS certify your list.  NEVER leave a list uncertified – especially after making changes. 

MS3 Class of 2017


Interviews scheduled in April. Questions? Contact Telista Snyder, 304-388-4630, or Dr Bors, Dr Tanner, Dr Cusick-Lewis.

STEP 2 APPLICATION:  Begin application process soon so as to be ready for scheduling your date no later than June 15. 

GETTING TO RESIDENCY PART 1- The Paperwork (aka M4 Orientation):  Mark your calendars – Friday, April 22nd, afternoon, multi-campus presentation. 

What’s Happening – Eastern

Upcoming Educational Events at BMC:

Tumor Board  all meet in the 8th floor Classroom 1200-1300

                           February 11th Title TBD

                           February 18th Title TBD

                           February 25th Title TBD

Surgical M&M February 12th 8th floor classroom 0730-0830 “Maxillofacial Trauma” Starkey, Malone, Brown

Grand Rounds February 15th 8th floor classroom 1200-1300  “Antimicrobial Stewardship” Dr. Simmons

Perinatal Workshop February 16th 8th floor classroom 1630 ***(must pre register – they will cut off registration when full)***

OB M&M/Journal Club February 18th Mountaineer Room  1730-1930 “Intrapartum Fetal Assessment” and “Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy and Neonatal Cooling”

Physician Symposium February 24th Holiday Inn 1730-1930 Dr. Gaither and Dr. Mishra  “All about the heart”

SPRING POSTER SESSION CALL FOR ABSTRACTS:  Due by Feb. 15th2016.  Please use the following link.   http://www.hsc.wvu.edu/eastern/som/poster-abstract-submission-form/default.aspx

The poster day will be 4/9/16

COMMUNITY SERVICE OPPPORTYUNITY:  Berkeley County Science Fair, Sat. Feb. 20th, 9-12n. Martinsburg High school.  horstj@wvuhealthcare.com .

M2 EASTERN OPEN HOUSE: Friday, March 25th.  9:30am to 3:00pm.  Student tours & Friday Education.   

M1 EASTERN SPRING OPEN HOUSE:  Save the Date.  April 9, 2016.  8:00am to 1:30pm.  Faculty development session and Poster session.  

EASTERN DIVISION STREET MEDICINE PROGRAM:  Questions?  Contact Josh Roach or Rebecca Furby.  Street Rounds – Tuesdays.  Immanuel’s House – Mondays.  Reserve a time through the Stepping Stones website.

MS4 Class of 2016

Eastern GQ Week- Mar. 7 to Mar. 11.  All MSIV students are encouraged to complete the Graduate Medical Questionnaire (opens to all graduating students Feb 14). Your experience and feedback as a Medical Student are needed.  Please send the GQ completed notice at the end of your survey, to Jane be included in the Eastern GQ raffle!  A drawing will be held at the Financial Workshop for the winners! 

ANNOUNCING THE 2016 “PREPARING FINANCIALLY FOR RESIDENCY” SEMINAR for ALL MAY GRADUATES!  Seminar/Sessions on All Three Campuses:  M=March 7/8; E=March 10; C=March 21. ALL MAY GRADUATES are encouraged to attend as able at the most convenient campus and date.  Eastern Campus10:00am-Noon. Eastern Division Mountaineer Room.  Spouses and significant others invited.  Lunch included. 

CLASS EMAIL UPDATE & VOTE:  Remember to vote through the SOLE link in Friday’s email for your class graduation representative. 

STEP 2 CS SCORES:  Remember as the last CS scores are posted, you have to go into ERAS and “release” the scores, even though you had previously “authorized” the scores. 


NRMP Rank Order List (R3) NRMP Matching Algorithm Tutorial.  entered and certified before Feb. 22nd.  (Deadline  Feb. 24)  ALWAYS certify your list.  NEVER leave a list uncertified – especially after making changes.

MS3 Class of 2017

SPECIAL EPMS MEETING - Wed. Feb. 10- bus leaves Dorothy McCormack at 6pm to Hospice of the Panhandle.   “Pediatric Palliative Care”, speaker, Joshua Dower, MD, Director of Palliative Care for Hospice Care Corporation. WV and WVU. 6:30-8:30pm lecture and dinner.  Please call for reservations by Feb. 8   to the Student Services Office. 

M & M- Friday, Feb. 12, 7:30am, 8th floor classroom.  MSIII Student presenters- Leah Starkey, Joe Malone and Chelsea Brown. 

JACQUES MODULE -  Peds Grand Rounds sessions at Berkeley Medical Center.  These sessions are held on Wednesday mornings, 8-9am.  The location within the hospital has been known to change, so it is best if you call there to confirm each week.  The expectation is that any Jacques Module students who are rotating on a peds week will attend the Grand Rounds, with the exception of those on peds nights at Frederick Memorial Hospital.  Be sure to notify your peds preceptor in the event you may be late arriving at their office. 

STEP 2 APPLICATION:  Begin application process soon so as to be ready for scheduling your date no later than June 15. 

GETTING TO RESIDENCY PART 1- The Paperwork (aka M4 Orientation):  Mark your calendars – Friday, April 22nd, afternoon, multi-campus presentation.  Career Counseling designed for the education and enhancement of our graduating students’ knowledge in the areas of applying, interviewing, and ranking their choices for residency training – remember GTR 0.5 this past fall? 


Feb. 15- Deadline for the Eastern Spring Poster Session.   
Mar. 4,5,6,  Ski Weekend, Student Wellness Event at Timberline Ski Resort.
Mar. 18- Friday, Match Day at Purple Iris, 11:45pm (All MSIV)
Mar. 25- Friday, Eastern Open House for MSII Students. 9:30am-3:30pm  Volunteers needed
for guides and sharing information on the Campus. 
Mar. 25, Fri.- Mid Term Exams- OB/Gyn / Surgery
Apr.1- Fri.- AOA Day in Morgantown
April 1- Fri.- Mid-term Quiz Medicine / Peds Mid-Term
April. 8- Fri- Family Medicine Mid-term
April. 29- Fri. OB/Gyn Practical Exam
May 27-Fri.  Medicine Quiz #2
Exam Finals- Jun. 6 through Jun. 17th.
Jun. 17, Fri- End of Semester, Lunch with the Deans. 


M4- Scheduling Meeting- February, Eastern Campus, Date and Time, TBA
GTR#1- Friday, April 22nd, 2016- noon, MDTV to Eastern Campus